Baby boy born 11/02


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Having had a couple of weeks of regular BH contractions and a sweep on Sunday the 8th February I had a continuous show and found it really hard to settle... Was really down in the dumps on Monday but the thought of a second sweep on Tuesday kept me going. I rang the midwife on Tuesday morning as arranged to sort out a time for the second sweep only to be told she wasnt in until the next day - when I put the phone down I broke my heart.... I felt really desparate as I wasnt getting any sleep and was constantly in pain due to the pressure.

Once I pulled myself together I decided to spend the day on my feet - we spent the morning at a local shopping centre and with each step I felt the baby was dropping lower and lower.... We got back around lunch time and my daughter wanted to make a cake so I drove her to the supermarket to get the ingredients, half way there I had a contraction... instantly I realised this was the real thing.... I staggered around the supermarket but didnt have any more pain. We got home and I had a nap.

At 5.30 I had another pain but then nothing until 6.00 pm when I had another - 9 minutes later another.... timed them for an hour and then told my DH I thought it was starting - I rang the Midwife unit just to warn them I thought I was in early labour (by this time I had taken some paracetamol, had a bath and eaten a light tea) - they said to stay at home as long as I could but to give them a ring when I was heading in... I watched Eastenders and the pains moved to every 6 minutes. At 8.30 I decided to have a shower and wash my hair and do my makeup :D

At 9.00 pm the pain was really quite bad so decided to head into hospital - as we drove there the contractions moved to every 4 minutes and as I walked onto the ward I had a really large one - they showed us to our room and handed me the gas and air which was great. The staff were just changing over so we didnt see anyone until 10.00 pm when my lovely midwife came and introduced herself to us - she did an internal and said I was 5 cm and asked me what I wanted to do? I just looked at her and said well I'll go home if you want me to..... She laughed and said no she meant did I want any further pain relief - I am terrified of injections so I said no and said I would be happy just standing up and using the gas and air...

She was in and out of the room for the next hour, by 10.00 my contractions were every 2 minutes and very strong - I spent the whole time leaning against Dave and went really quiet - he said it sounded like Darf Veda giving birth as I did let go of my gas and air and would breathe really heavily on it during the worst of the pain.....

At 11.30 the midwife gave me another internal and said I was 7 1/2 cm and offered to break my waters. I said yes and at 11.45 she popped my waters which only trickled out..... Almost immediately my pain intensified and I realised I wanted to push. She had left the room so I shouted at Dave to go and get her.... She ran back in the room and checked - within minutes I had gone from 7 1/2 to 10 cm - as the baby started to come down gallons of water was released - I am sure this helped to make my second stage so quick - I only had a couple of pushes and he was born.

I was so lucky I didnt tear or graze at all - it was such a wonderful delivery I feel completely blessed.....

The midwife did say George was not so much born into this world as surf :)

We are totally in love with him - he weighed 7 lb 12 oz and is such a little sweetie.

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Awwww what a really lovely birth story and he is just so gorgeous Jane!!! Congratulations again!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
what a lovely birth story Jane.

Many congrats, hes a gorgeous little bundle xxxx
What a sweetie,you'll have to bring him down to the coast to do some real surfing when he's older. Congratulations honey xxx
Awww - congratulations! Welcome to the world George! :hug:
reallyoldmum said:
Having had a couple of weeks of regular BH contractions and a sweep on Sunday the 8th February I had a continuous show and found it really hard to settle... Was really down in the dumps on Monday but the thought of a second sweep on Tuesday kept me going. I rang the midwife on Tuesday morning as arranged to sort out a time for the second sweep only to be told she wasnt in until the next day - when I put the phone down I broke my heart.... I felt really desparate as I wasnt getting any sleep and was constantly in pain due to the pressure.

Once I pulled myself together I decided to spend the day on my feet - we spent the morning at a local shopping centre and with each step I felt the baby was dropping lower and lower.... We got back around lunch time and my daughter wanted to make a cake so I drove her to the supermarket to get the ingredients, half way there I had a contraction... instantly I realised this was the real thing.... I staggered around the supermarket but didnt have any more pain. We got home and I had a nap.

At 5.30 I had another pain but then nothing until 6.00 pm when I had another - 9 minutes later another.... timed them for an hour and then told my DH I thought it was starting - I rang the Midwife unit just to warn them I thought I was in early labour (by this time I had taken some paracetamol, had a bath and eaten a light tea) - they said to stay at home as long as I could but to give them a ring when I was heading in... I watched Eastenders and the pains moved to every 6 minutes. At 8.30 I decided to have a shower and wash my hair and do my makeup :D

At 9.00 pm the pain was really quite bad so decided to head into hospital - as we drove there the contractions moved to every 4 minutes and as I walked onto the ward I had a really large one - they showed us to our room and handed me the gas and air which was great. The staff were just changing over so we didnt see anyone until 10.00 pm when my lovely midwife came and introduced herself to us - she did an internal and said I was 5 cm and asked me what I wanted to do? I just looked at her and said well I'll go home if you want me to..... She laughed and said no she meant did I want any further pain relief - I am terrified of injections so I said no and said I would be happy just standing up and using the gas and air...

She was in and out of the room for the next hour, by 10.00 my contractions were every 2 minutes and very strong - I spent the whole time leaning against Dave and went really quiet - he said it sounded like Darf Veda giving birth as I did let go of my gas and air and would breathe really heavily on it during the worst of the pain.....

At 11.30 the midwife gave me another internal and said I was 7 1/2 cm and offered to break my waters. I said yes and at 11.45 she popped my waters which only trickled out..... Almost immediately my pain intensified and I realised I wanted to push. She had left the room so I shouted at Dave to go and get her.... She ran back in the room and checked - within minutes I had gone from 7 1/2 to 10 cm - as the baby started to come down gallons of water was released - I am sure this helped to make my second stage so quick - I only had a couple of pushes and he was born.

I was so lucky I didnt tear or graze at all - it was such a wonderful delivery I feel completely blessed.....

The midwife did say George was not so much born into this world as surf :)

We are totally in love with him - he weighed 7 lb 12 oz and is such a little sweetie.


Jane and George x

No way, I really cant believe your little bubby is here. It only seems like 5 minutes ago you had your BFP :D
Fab birth story! Congratulations :dance: and well done :clap: ! He is lovely!!
Wow Jane, he's so cute. My mum called me Darth Vader too! God I love that stuff. So glad that everything was smooth for you

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww he is gorgeous :hug: Well done you :D

And congrats to you and Dave :)
:hug: Well done Jane - a text book labour and delivery and you even managed to put your make up on and do your hair :lol: - George is a stunner!

Can't wait to see more piccies! Take care and enjoy!

Congratulations! And it sounds like the perfect birth - can I order one like that please? :lol: x
OMG!!! I've only just seen this.

Congratulations sweetie, he's gorgeous :cheer:
eh god hun, it really only seems like yesterday u got ur BFP im really happy for you, George is so beautiful gratz hunny :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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