I think Kazlin meant a bouncy chair I used to have the lindam door bouncer for James and he loved it.
As far as bouncy chairs go I just had a basic one last time but it was really handy. I used to put James in it in the bathroom when I was in the bath. I've been thinking about getting a vibrating one this time but have no experience of them.
The two items are really easy to confuse cos they get called similar things. With both some babies like them, some don't
my mum bought me a lindham one. but i put millie in the graco walker more coz it has toys on it! i wouldnt bother with vibration i wouldnt think its necessary, but idk others might think its gr8
We've hardly used ours cos the HV scared me - Finn doesn't spend much time by himself just sitting in it - when he's awake he's feeding or being held, nappy changed etc. HV said that they can ruin their posture as they do all their growing while they sleep so they're not to be used as a bed as such, just a toy.
I have one for Ryan that has the vibrating option but the batteries ran out and I haven't bothered changing them.. he used to kick the vibrating bit anyway so he probly didn't like it that much.
We had one that vibrated, made womb sounds and chirpy birds but Isaac hated it and has never sat in it for more than 5mins so cannot help, my reply is useless, sorry, just some LO's don't like them
I have a basic bouncer with vibrartoer on that I no longer use! I just rock it with my foot but it is a godsend and soothes her when shes getting grump and she kips in it too
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