Baby Blues Day :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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I know we are all feeling the same but it's just nice to hear other mums are in the same boat! Day nine and I have spent an hour crying this morning.

I feel like I have no right, as although I am having to get up in the night to do feeds Evie isn't a difficult baby and never cries for longer than about 20 mins tops.

I think the feeding issue has massively upset me more than I realise. Evie has never - apart from 20 mins last night - ever breast fed off me. She didn't feed at all for the first 24 hours - she was very jaundiced and mucousy - and then we didn't get brilliant support so never managed it. She has been getting quite a hefty amount of breastmilk as I have been expressing but it is relentless trying to breastfeed which normally ends up with us both upset and frustrated, then giving her a bottle (either breast or formula top up) then pumping myself some more and on top of this having to sterilise all the equipment!

I think I need to set a target and if we haven't managed by a certain point then she will be formula fed, which I think would actually be nicer for both of us as I would be a less stressed, tired mummy and could enjoy her more. But then comes the guilt of not breastfeeding your child, which is upsetting as I would love to breastfeed, it's just we are both really struggling to make it work!

To top it all woke up this morning and my boobs are so sore with red bruise like marks all over them. Is this normal or the start of mastitis? Quite frankly I'm having my 'had enough day' today. My daughter is so gorgeously lovely I could eat her but I think I'd like to get off the bus just for five mins please!!!
:hugs: its really tough isnt it? way harder than i imagined, but things will get better. you are doing great by the sounds of it. xx
Awww hun I know how hard it is, I was the same I exclusive bf and it feels like I'm all alone in this harry screamed for the first week and gradually he's getting better, I have bruises aswell hun I think it's where they have been sucking too hard, if ur worried speak to a health visitor or midwife but it sounds like ur doing great hun x
Aww hun totally know how you feel! Theo has been feeding non stop and I'm not getting any sleep! He's always really fractious as well because of the forceps and traumatic delivery he doesn't like anyone touching his head. Never imagined it would be this hard but at the same time I wouldn't change him for the world and it will get easier!! My OH keeps saying 'it will get easier otherwise people wouldn't have anymore!' lol xxx
I don't have anything to advise or experiences to share but just wanted to say it sounds to me like your doing an amazing job xx hang in there Hun, it will all come together x
it does get easier, the nights are hard, the feeding is hard wether bf or ff its still hard. even now Alyssa didnt do the constant feeding or all night crying to start with but shes making up for it now as she kept waking every hour in the night for no reason and has been feeding almost constantly this morning so im knackered but its still worth it lol. get your OH to take her for an hour so you can nap or have a bath. do your hair or have coffee and read a book. anything thats just for you, just for an hour can make a big difference in your sanity :)

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