Baby Asthma


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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My DS has asthma and I could really do with chatting to someone about it (having a bad day, or rather week!).

If anyone is in a similar boat could they pm me? Feeling isolated today! :cry:

Edited to say:

DS has recently been diagnosed with baby asthma after suffering from wheezing, coughing and puking since a newborn.

He got better after being on meds for a while, but two back to back colds have left him struggling. I'm pretty new to all this tbh and any advice would be gratefully received!

Don't laugh at his dungies, they're his cloth bum ones (and I've already heard he looks like coco the clown, a smarties easter egg and a twister board from family)

Alex is on max dose of clenil (brown one, 4 x 100mg puffs a day), a good 10-12 blue puffs a day and granules at night before bed but he's been really wheezy lately.

Can you watch the vid and tell me what you would do (i.e do you think he needs the doctors, we went last week and were told he was ok?) This was after 6 blue puffs.

Vid (obv you need sound!)

If you think it's normal of an asthma bub then please just say so, I'm getting really down about his breathing, the night coughing and no sleep at the mo.
what a darling! difficult not seeing him in person but it is a great video!

looks to me like a healthy happy wheezer who is normally coping well but needs his meds upping for a bit while he gets over the cold he has had.

I would advise -->gp for advice regarding a "reducing regime of salbutamol" but he may also advice changing the clenil to a different type of preventer inhaler for a little while.

Asthma is a pain as it tends to go up and down so the meds often need adjusting :)

if he ever looks uncomfortable with his breathing ie doesn't want to crawl, play etc, looks listless or is too breathless to cry then -->a+e straight away as it can get worse quickly.

good luck and hope you both get some more sleep soon!
Oh Kina. First of all... :hug:

Tom had bronchiolitis a while back and I'm paranoid he's going to get asthma because I have it. When he was ill, his wheezing was so hard to listen to. I felt so sorry for you both when I watched the video.

He does sound very congested and wheezy. Are you monitoring his breathing rate?

Like Smile said, he looks like a 'happy wheezer' to me because he seems happy and not distressed by it. Still...I would keep a close eye and if his breathing rate goes up and he's not improving, I'd go back to the doctor straight away.

BTW, Tom didn't respond to the puffers at all and he got so upset with the breathing tube thing that they just ended up making him worse. In the end, we got a really good result with Ventolin syrup. It's not licensed for under 2's but we had exhausted everything else. He recovered quickly after we gave him the syrup.

Hope he is better soon poor little thing.

PS: As an asthmatic myself, 1 puff or 2 max normally fixes my wheezing. 10 puffs is equivalent to a nebuliser (apparently) so I would take him back to the docs and see if they can review the meds. x
Ahh thanks both for your replies :hug: Smile I'm paranoid he'll have a really bad attack (I watched my mum get quite bad when I was growing up and it was very scary). The paed told me to watch out for some of those signs as well, I'm dreading it if it ever happens but just praying that the meds he's on are preventing it from getting that bad!

I've been watching his breathing and it's been rapid this afternoon. When he's resting on my lap he was breathing fast but less noisy (just that whistling when breathing out). He's so unsettled and unhappy at night, I don't blame him but it's hard work when you're shattered.

I'm going to go back to the docs this week and see if I can find out if there are some different ways to approach it at the moment because his inhalers aren't having much of an impact tbh. Things were going so well for a while but the past two weeks have been hell! He just needs to get over this stage and then I'm hoping he'll go back to not being as chesty, it's just so frustrating as I felt we'd sorted it out!

He totally flaked out tonight, I think all the wheezing is tiring him out (napped for 2.5 hours today). But I'll keep an eye on him around the coughing tonight as he's been making me uneasy.

You just get fed up with being fobbed off and told that it's nothing all the time. Back before they diagnosed him I was sure the docs thought it was in my head and I was a over cautious pushy mum for taking him back all the time. They just kept saying he had a cold - for 9 months!
Maybe mention the Ventolin syrup to the doctor when you see him next and see what he says. Like I say, the puffers didn't do anything for Tom.
Really hope he's better soon. Lx
drs think nathan has asthma. i took him again this morning after a really bad night. hes been wheezing and coughing for 2 weeks now theyve given him some steroids and anti b to help him out as his inhalers werent doing alot. dont know if they might be what you need?
sorry iv no advice but omg cute baby! :D
ps i dont think he sounds too worrying, but its different when its ur own baby innit- im sure i'd be worrying if melissa had it. :hug:
nathanmum said:
drs think nathan has asthma. i took him again this morning after a really bad night. hes been wheezing and coughing for 2 weeks now theyve given him some steroids and anti b to help him out as his inhalers werent doing alot. dont know if they might be what you need?

Aww hope he's better soon. When they put him on steroids before (prednisone) he went loopy, was growling and throwing his arms around :shock: :rotfl: So hopefully they wont give him anymore (obviously if they'll help him I'll happily give them to him)

Lucy I'll definately ask about it, I'll try anything to make my boy happy and not so uncomfortable. When he's wheezy he gets all sweaty and clammy poor litle man. How is Tom now? Ella had bronchilitis when she was about 10-11 months but we were lucky in that it didn't get very bad. It must have been a really frightening experience for you both.

sorry iv no advice but omg cute baby!
Thanks trixi, he's my little duffer.
hey hun bray has asthma and i was so worried at first sounds like he is on the smae in haler and salts as lil man, if ur worried take him back and keep going back till they listen and mybe show them his vid,
i normally take bray to docs first thing or last thing as thats wen his asthma is worse and they get to see it in its real colours
Sarah I was thinking I'm going to let him crawl from the waiting room to the office so they can get the full affect of exercise on him ;) I know exactly what you mean though! I'm going to let him down to crawl a bit though (bit worried about the germs!) in the office so they can hear what he's like, it's not right!
Kina said:
Lucy I'll definately ask about it, I'll try anything to make my boy happy and not so uncomfortable. When he's wheezy he gets all sweaty and clammy poor litle man. How is Tom now? Ella had bronchilitis when she was about 10-11 months but we were lucky in that it didn't get very bad. It must have been a really frightening experience for you both.

Tom is better now thankfully but I live in fear of him getting another cold and the same thing happening. It was so horrible. He was admitted to hospital with it. They gave him prednisalone too but he seemed ok on it. They didn't tell me that the Ventolin makes them 'hyper' though until I asked them at 3 in the morning why they thought Tom hadn't slept a wink yet! :roll:

So hope your little man is better soon. It is so horrible to see them wheezing like that and fighting to breathe.


PS: I was in and out of hospital as a baby with very bad asthma. I was in an oxygen tent and all sorts. I don't remember ANY of it now! Hope it helps to know that your LO won't remember either. X :hug:
He has a chest infection, is on antibiotics and steroids (prednisole god dammit, makes him loopy!). Feel bad I didn't spot it wasn't his asthma, I just get so confused over what is asthma and what's not.
Feel pleased we didn't just get told it was normal and sent away again, but sorry for my little lad that he's been suffering.
Fingers crossed it clears up soon!
ok harte o say it but it may still just be asthma my doctors misdiagnosed my asthma for months saying it was a chest infection ( saw 4 different docotrs) ppl with asthma can have systems of a chest infection such as coughing up mucus and chest pains etc if the poor little mite is no better afte r5 days take him back as antibiotics should be working i had to see a speacilaist at the hospital to get my asthma sorted
Kina said:
He has a chest infection, is on antibiotics and steroids (prednisole god dammit, makes him loopy!). Feel bad I didn't spot it wasn't his asthma, I just get so confused over what is asthma and what's not.
Feel pleased we didn't just get told it was normal and sent away again, but sorry for my little lad that he's been suffering.
Fingers crossed it clears up soon!

Poor little fellow. Don't blame yourself though...I don't know HOW you'd tell the difference between asthma and a chest infection???? Both sound the same. Good news though that you know what it is and can treat it so hopefully he will be better VERY soon.
Lucyx :hug:

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