baby acid reflux little help please?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2014
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Hey ladies I think my 2 week old has baby acid reflux. Shes nearly always sick after every bottle shes irritable wirh near enough every feeding time. And shes almost always terrible at getting wind up I know she hasn't got colic. Shes got a few symptoms of it with the bubbly spit, gurgling stomach when having her bottle. Is there anything else to look out for with this? We have midwife coming out to us today so will be asking her about this x
If not go GP's they'll give you some gaviscon to try. Be ware it can make them constipated.. Give some extra cool boiled water..
Shes been quite constipated today.
She's constantly got hic ups as well. Im hoping midwife will be able to shed some light on it and tell us What it is.
My other 3 didnt suffer with anything like what Mia is suffering now my other daughter did have colic though abd and she quickly got over that by 3 months old.
You need to go to your GP - they will prescribe gaviscon - it works for some - not for others. Reflux is a long slow hard battle with medicals - it took me 4 months to get my son on medication which he remains on now.

There's a good FB page called living with reflux or something similar - join that - 1000s of mums with babies with milk reflux etc and much more informative than what you may get here.

Have you considered reflux milk like aptimil anti reflux? If your having constipation issues I suggest some cool boiled water to help. Maybe 1/2 Oz a day in between feeds.
My LO had it but it wasn't picked up on until he was older 3/4 months, so I can't really remember much of what he was like when he was that young.

He was generally a very unsettled baby, crying a lot especially when laid flat. He wasn't sick with it a lot, although you could hear him having what sounded like sicky burps quite a lot. He also had frequent hicups.

Personally I didn't find the MW or HV much use with it all. I'd go directly to the doctors.
My LO was diagnosed a week ago with severe reflux by the hospital after a trip to a&e as he wouldn't stop coughing and couldn't catch his breath.

His now on ranitidine 3 times a day after gaviscon made him scream more!
It seems to be working a bit ( told to wait 2 weeks for full effect)

So I would either go to your doctor or your emergency health centre and get referred to the children's ward x x
Watching with interest. We have been given ranitidine today after not getting on with Gaviscon. Good luck. I agree with going straight to GP. HV was no help!
My 10 week old was diagnosed yesterday and given motillium (I guess different medicines here in singapore). Was told to administer for a week and see if improvements can be seen within 5 days. Otherwise stop at 7 days. But then what?

The odd thing is that mine didn't show any symptoms until about a week ago. Now he struggles to feed (very fussy), lie down (sleeping is very disturbed with kicking and grunting all night long), painful burps (which take a long time to come) and regurgitating lots of milk.

Littlemonkey: you mention it as if your LO is now over it. Does this clear up? Or is it a long / permanent condition?
Sorpresa bea, my son is two now and it did end eventually. He was diagnosed with it around 3/4 months once he started refusing feeds. He was eventually given ranitadine which helped hugely. We also weaned him early at four months. I think the combination of medication, weaning and being more upright helped my son and by about 9/10 months we stopped the ranitadine and he was fine.

It can be different for everyone though. There are some children for who it goes on much longer. The other issue is that reflux can actually be a symptom of something else like a milk intolerance or allergy, which if not picked up on will continue.
Both my daughters have/did suffer with reflux, both caused by milk protein intolerance.

With Grace, my first daughter, we were constantly fobbed off by docs and midwives until I went
private in the end where she was put on Ranitidine and Nutramigen formula, within days there was a huge
improvement. I also slept her elevated and weaned her early.

My second daughter, Emily, who is now 10 weeks, displayed identical symptoms to Grace at 2 weeks,
so I immediately asked for a referral. She is now on the same treatment as Grace and is a much more
content and happy pain free baby.

Don't let the docs fob you off, ask for a referral to see a consultant.

Hope you get it sorted soon.

Robbi, do you mind describing the symptoms a bit? My baby is having the hardest time: he's not eating, always uncomfortable lying down, doesn't sleep well at all (kicks and grunts and moves head from side to side sl light long)

I don't know if it's reflux or something else.

The protein intolerance was it to breast milk??
Both would be really unsettled after feeds, lots of crying, spitting up milk, short frequent feeds and lots of hiccups. Grace didn't do the grunting but Emily does, so I know what you mean about the head shaking.

The intolerance was to dairy in breast milk but it would have been the same with formula as that is based on cows milk.
Thanks. Pediatrician today suggested possible food sensitivities and asked me to remove all dairy, soy and nuts off my diet. Let's hope for some improvements.
Unless you're determined to carry on breast feeding, ask to try a hypoallergenic formula. Not sure what's
available in Singapore but mine are on Nutramigen Lipid. I found it a lot easier
than cutting out dairy in diet. X

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