Babies and clothes.......


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Just wondering at what age did all you ladies start putting your babies in opposed to sleepsuits?
My friend thinks i'm a bit strange as I like Ashlea to be in sleepsuits all the time, i just think as she is laid down alot of the time they are more comfortable for them, plus i think they're easier to manage when changing nappies etc....or am i just been a wierdo? If we go out for the day I put her an outfit on but the rest of the time I put her in sleepsuits....she has shedloads of them.....please tell me other mummies are the same.... :rotfl:
If I am in the house Logan is in a sleep suit - If we go to visit anyone then he gets dressed...... if that makes sense! lol

Like you said it is so much easier to change nappies if they are in a sleep suit. But then he is only 7 weeks old....
It's so easier to change nappies when they are wearing a sleepsuit and he's fine in them although we have some clothes, I think just sleepsuits will be ok for Lennon for a few more months then i'll put him in clothes and plus I love sleepsuits because he has his hands and feet covered and when he wears other clothes he gets cold feet and hands because he somehow managed to get his mittens off and kicks his booties off :lol:
i think really young babies look too little to be dressed up in proper outfits ie jeans & tops or even dresses for girls.
i saw an american baby programme once & the baby boy was coming home in a little suit with a waist coat :( poor baby , he looked so uncomfortable.
people also use thier babies to dress up like baby dolls.
i think what you are doing in fine.
Awww thank you ladies, it pleases me to know I'm not the only one who thinks like that. I think sleepsuits make them look like babies a lot longer too....I mean the amount of time I would need to change Ashlea's outfits in a day would be silly....yeah lets keep them babies... :D
i'm the other way round :oops: :oops: :oops:
i love dressin keeley in outfits especially next discount ones :lol: :lol: :lol:

as you can all probably tell i have a lot of time on my hands :oops: :oops:

keeley only wears sleepsuits for bed :)
Mine will live in romper suits unless going out, same as my first did, easy to wash and not wreck, easy to change them and plus they look soooo dammed cute in them :oops:
I'm the same as most of y0u girls, i only "dress" Sophie in little outfits if we're going out anywhere for the day, if we're in the house all day it;s babygro's all the way!
I started putting Jake in outfits when he was about 4 weeks old but he still wears a sleepsuit if we are staying in all day as it is comfier for him.
Elliott was in sleepsuits all the time until about 6-8 months which was summer for him so he went into little shorts and t'shirts and then moved into things with no built in feet as he started to pull up so that he could have bare feet and balance better. I loved the sleepsuits and thought they were very practical plus avoided lots of fiddly washing of tiny baby socks etc. We just put lots of homemade jumpers and cardies over the top when it was cold. People bought us newborn clothes but he never wore them.

i dressed a;fie in proper clothes from day 1 and now if i was to have another i wouldnt buy a single outfit not one untill they were 6 months old, you can get such lovely sleep suits so id have plain white for bed and coloured / patterned for the daytime, its easier, its cuter and they grow so quickly to keep buying outfits sleepsuits are so much cheaper, stick to it hun
Olivia wears sleepsuits at night, trousers and vest during the day and a little dress if we go out.

I like variety :D

The main reason I only put her in sleepsuits at night is because its part of her routine :)
Tasha20 said:
Olivia wears sleepsuits at night, trousers and vest during the day and a little dress if we go out.

I like variety :D

The main reason I only put her in sleepsuits at night is because its part of her routine :)

I agree Tasha, putting them in a sleepsuit after their bath kinda signals its bedtime to me, and hopefully as Zac gets older he will take note :wink:

Zac wears jogging type bottoms in the day and a top and I will put him in a sleepsuit if he gets dirty and needs changing to save anther outfit.

He always wears an outfit if we go out :D
Jamies in sleepsuits when Im stayin in in my pyjamas lol but when we go out we r very nicely dressed!!
I was the same with my two boys. Sleepsuits in the house and dressed in clothes when out. In fact they are still the same now. As soon as they come home from school they get their PJ's on. Unless my eldest goes out to play that is. But my youngest would live in his PJ's if I let him LOL.

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