
Nov 27, 2007
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Hi, I am 7 weeks just now and for the last week and half have been experiencing some very severe pain in my lower abdomen and round to my back. It comes on from nowhere, IT IS BAD, I feel like I dont know what to do with myself and like I am going to pass out and have to lie down. Been to the docs and today I had a scan which fortunately showed baby is alive and OK but didnt show any obvious reson for the pain.
I got back and within an hour had another passing out episode at work (I wont be able to keep it secret very long if this keeps happening!!)
I know that period pain type of feeling is normal & have had that too almost constantly but this is on a totally different level.
Has anyone else experienced this? had any suggestions from your Drs or mws? I dont see a mw for another week.
havent had that during my pregnancy but its good that the scan showed nothing wrong with bubs.

when you get these pains have you just moved really quickly or something? maybe it could be a strained muscle cos everything more prone to be pulled when pregnant :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have suffered in the past from similar (except it was chest pain) this was diagnosed as trapped nerve, maybe it could be something along those lines?? Things like that can be diffeicult to see.

The most important thing is though that bubs is ok!

Maybe you should keep a diary of when it happens, time of day, what you've eaten, how long it lasts for, what you were doing at the time etc?? I found this really useful as you might see a pattern forming maybe.
Thanks for your replies, it is def. not muscular or nerves, it is far more general - like the period pain type of thing but x100. Also it comes on from nowhere when I have been sitting still, 3 times it woke me up in the middle of the night and others has been in the day but I was not active at the time.
My mother thinks is cause I am really quite thin and that everything it having to move and stretch alot!! not sure about the validity of that theory though! she also mentioned my age (how very dare she!) I am 37 - but I really am a very fit 37 year old... so .. yeah nice mum, I am old and thin - thanks for that!
:lol: dont you just love em.. sure she meant it in best possible way. Keep an eye on it, obviously you've had scan so everything seems ok but if it persists get yourself back to docs i say.. hope it goes away though hun :hug:
Hi Pammie,

Really glad to hear littleun is ok :D I can't say I've had anything as severe at this stage, although had chest pains and very painful stitches a few weeks ago - was beginning to worry as am asthmatic and thought I may have a chest infection, and then it just went overnight.

It could very well be stretching, particularly if you're very small/slim; is it your first baby? It'll likely stop happening soon but keep an eye on it and go back to the doc if it continues.

All the very best :hug:

PS: Mothers eh!!! Mine told me to 'take care of myself because you're not as young as you used to be' Ok, I'll be 34 when I have this baby but I reckon I've got more energy now than I had in my 20s!!! Can't take late nights anymore though!!
Thanks, yes it is my first pregnancy so maybe you are right. Sickness getting worse by the day too which is definitely normal ... LOVING IT!
Sounds like it could be stretching pains - just severe. See how things go. It's all sounding good since you have seen your baby on a scan :D

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