Baffled by morning sickness!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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:wave: Hi, im new to the forum. Been trawling through any kind of morning sickness thread for tips. Ive already had 2 children with no morning sickness during pregnancy whatsoever. I always assumed that you were either prone to it or not, kinda like the stretchmark thing..................Mid week I was convinced I had some kind of virus.....soooo tired & sick. Plus my boobs were & still r total agony. This was the thing that prompted me to do a test as Ive never had sore boobs even when im due my period! :( I really dont get it :? ............sorry to jump on moaning but wondered if anyone else would like to share their opinion? :pray: ...........
Hi! :wave:

So what was the result of your test??? tested gotto be morning sickness........virus only last about 4 days dont they?
sometimes it can depend on the sex of the baby you're having. apparently it can be worse if your carrying a girl but that's not always the case.

other than that all I can say is that every pregnancy is different and my cousin (who's also pg with her 3rd) has been told by her MW that for some unknown reason 3rd pg's seem to be a lot different than the previous two.
oooo bummer!......must be third pregnancies then!!.......(got one of each already....without any symptoms) much for the 'third time lucky' saying :evil: ..............thanks for your reply :)
Hi this is my 2nd time and my first was a breeze, this one is a nightmare I have the worst sickness imaginable and just trying to force fluids down me so I dont have to go in hospital.

Im so annoyed I had it so easy the first time round! but every pregnancy is different plus I am 9 years older this time around, so I dont think that helps.

Hope you feel bettter soon!
Congrats on your pregnancy! This is my second pregnancy and my sickness is so much worse this time around. You were so lucky not having any sickness for your first two!

Good luck hun :hug:
i would say yeah morning sickness hunni... with Meg i was ILL for 7 months.. barely keeping down fluids.. i avoided hospital to be placed on a drip a few too many times....

So far (And it is insanely early) not a sausage... im hoping it stays away this time!!! :puke: :wall:
Hi, thanks for your least it makes a bit of sense now.......there is a 7 year gap since my last pregnancy, and getting on a bit.......probably my aging body in shock lol :lol: god I always thought people were exagerating morning wrong I was!!! :shock:
-lisa- said:
.my god I always thought people were exagerating morning wrong I was!!! :shock:

OMG I have had so many people (mainly women I might add :evil: ) that say "its just morning sickness" until they see my impression of the excorsist with added incontinance, then they seem to shut up!!! :wink:

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