Any tips on Expressing with Electric Expresser?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2005
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Aidan is a very demanding baby (feeding wise) and cos of his heavy birthweight (11lb 4oz) he is constantly hungry. Ive been feeding him myself since birth but when he was feeding every 3/4 hour to 1 hour some days OH went out and bought me an Expresser to give me some restbite. Ive got the little one (begins with M, menipa sommit like that) £42 from Mothercare...says they use it in the hospitals.
Most I have managed to get from it is 4oz, that was from both breasts...

Just wondered if anyone has got any tips that might help????

Just hoping that I will have enough to feed him for a few more months but worried that perhaps I havnt. Been drinking loads and eating reasonably healthy....well the best I could over Christmas with a Tin of Roses and Celebrations/Turkish Delight..etc etc.

Did others that Expressed found the same that they couldnt express much at the beginning? Or is it just me ?

Thank you xxxxxxxxx
hi ragna

i had the same problem trying to express with Joshua. i think it is a case of just keep trying. and to relax.

let me know how you get on, as i am sure that i will posting the same thing in a months time.


i had the same expresser. just keep trying. also try doing it while your baby is near by as this helps u make more milk. the more you do it, the more milk you will make, i used to do it once every hour for a fw days then i was making 10oz at a time.
I sent you a text about this hunnie....same advice as aradysso, have Aidan near you when you express. Keep trying it and it will come in, the advice I was given in hospital is to try it every 3-4 hours and once, maybe twice if you can manage it, during the night as that is when your milk production hormones are the strongest.

HTH xxx

I have been having the same problem.

Im not producing enough milk at the moment (god knows how when Im an 'H' cup)

Started using a hand pamp.......useless, and at risk of RSI.

My H/V said the more I pump my flow should increase so my partner has bought me an 'Ameda Lactaline', its a double pump, and we have a small battery pump coming also.
The Ameda works alot better than the hand pump but Im still only getting 2-3 oz at a time.
Hopefully it will increase, gonna try every hour as you guys have suggested, not sure about during the night though - bad enough waking up to feed!!! :lol:
The H/V also said to do it in the morning as thats when you have alot of milk from during the night??? :?
Hiya all

Well, I had a word with my lovely Health visitor. I said to her I was worried because the most that I seemed to get at a time was 2-4 oz at most and she said that was Fantastic as most of her ladies only get 1/2 ounce!!!

So do not despair LuLu..we are doing ok !!

I find the best time that I get the most is when Im feeding Aidan on one side and expressing at the same time the other side...Slightly tricky...but worth having a go as this is when I get the most.

Ragna xxxxxxxxxx

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