***August 2016 Mummies***

Think we're gonna tell the brothers tomorrow as one is going away for a while but our parents already no!

Nausea is kicking my butt today and tiredness and sore boobs! Fairyprincess my husband it the same about my boobs they've gone up 2/3 cup sizes and I wasn't small to begin with and they hurt!
I didn't want to tell my parents as don't want to upset them with another loss if it happens again but going to have to as can't face christmas dinner and I look like I've had a boob job hahaha xxx
I'm so jealous of all these giant boobies!

Mine haven't grown at all!!


Hello all im Michelle and just found out im pregnant with baby no 3 due around 23rd August Merry Christmas !!
Lol Emily! I'm jel!
Mine are quite embarassing cause it's so obvious I'm having to avoid people I know because they will think I've either had a boob job or know I'm preg! Also still crazy sore and covered in stretchmarks now lol!
Congrats Michelle :) xx
Congratulations Michelle and welcome to August Mummies! Yeah mine look like I've had a boob job too and as Nick says mine weren't small in the first place! My nipples are itching like mad too! X
Hi everyone! Can I join? :-) I'm mother of a lovely son and just got a positive test. Waited quite long to test, I think I'm due around August 18th. But we'll have to check with the doctor to be sure ;-) congrats to you all!
Lol mine were average size but now they are giant haha!! Such an obvious diff! Xxx
Hello more newbies!

Loving all these boobies stories - Mine are mahoosive anyway and now they are rediculous but if I remember rightly mine did this last time and got themselves under control in tri 2 then in tri 3 they leaked through t shirts right the way til i had DD lol!

man I am soooo hungry but dont fancy anything like all day every day, but if I don't eat I just constantly gag! its horrible! luckily I haven't had any sickness yet so thats a big bonus.

is everyone ready for christmas?? xx
Lol least they got themselves under control in tri 2! :D

I'm the same my tummy rumbles but I'm sick. Can only eat sweet stuff atm and was sick on myself when on my bike today. So embarassingg!!

Yep all ready for christmas, we are driving down to my parents late tomorrow night after work. Are you? :).xxx
hahahahaha you were sick on yourself?! sorry thats just cracked me up you poor thing!!! lol yes I think I am all set for christmas - braved tesco today which was an absolute mission but needed to be done! just a few little things to wrap and we are all sorted! xxxx
Lol yep!! On the way to work too ! :( . Haha would happen to me. I had bags I would of done it discreetly but cars where behind me and I couldn't get anywhere and it just came out!

We went to tesco tonight, wasn't too busy but the food was making me wretch! Just got peoples presents really lol and I got a jar of maltesers spread haha!! Xx
We're having my parents and sisters over tomorrow. Probably going to tell my mom then, I'm a bit scared for her reaction but she'll notice soon enough (don't know how, with DS she knew a week after us and we said nothing...). Now she'll definitely know 'cause I can't pick DS up as often. Nothing like flexilexi (just read your story, how awful must that be), but I think she won't be happy. She adores her only grandchild and always says she doesn't want more and we would do him wrong by having a second child... Friday we'll go to my husband's family. Lots of children there, so will be crowded and busy but also nice :-) I'm only thinking about an excuse for not drinking, don't want everyone to know already. And you?
Awww I thought my parents wouldn't be happy cause of our wedding and doing up the house etc and when we told them about last preg they were so over the moon!!


Last test and bloat!
Will stop testing now as done sooo many and have reassured myself this isn't a chemical!! :)
Oh no, throwing up on way to work? You poor thing! At least they say it's a good sign, being sick. Last time I was sick from week 7 till 7-8 months. Not yet now, but I also don't feel like eating. Only olives taste OK. I'd even have them for breakfast. :p that's why I decided to test actually, I normally don't like olives...
Millielaura: you're pregnant ;-) no worries, it's real. But they're addictive eh :-D

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