We've got two places nearby that do early scans, will defo go if doctor doesn't refer me. I'm going to wait to go to doctors until first week in new year when I'll be 7 weeks
I'm not seeing my dr till after new year so we booked a private scan for next week, I will be 8 weeks if my dares are right!! Thinking we'll prob tell people after we've had the scan if everything is ok!
Had my booking in today really positive and took my concerns about my previous labour and sons developmental delays on board and has referred me to the consultant midwife to have a chat about an elective c section. On the down side i've just taken my plaster off where she took bloods and my arm is black and blue - I look like I've been butchered!!! Just need to wait patiently for my scan letter now
How is everyone? Xx
My booking in isn't until 22nd Jan, it's soooooo faaaaaar awaaaaaaaay! I'm over emotional, tired, feeling very queasy and making a baby wish list on Amazon of all the stuff I want to get!
Yep defo normal!
I'm being so sick tonight. Steroids make me sick anyway but added with preg sickness I was having it's quite bad! Not sure how fast cyclizine is meant to work etc but it isn't doing anything so far. I used to get so grossed out at sick but now it doesnt bother me lol also been sick in quite a few public places in most of my pregs so no dignity left either haha. As long as it doesn't get to the point it was with the twins where I couldn't drink water without throwing it straight up!
Hows everyone else sickness wise? Xx
Aww Millie hope the tablets kick in soon and you can get some relief from the sickness. Mine comes and goes, was finding it hard to get to sleep cos every time I lay down and close my eyes the room would spin! So I'm having a nice bath which for some reason always helps when I'm feeling nauseous x
Aww hope you feel better! Careful in the bath with being dizzy!
I keep having dizzy moments too! I think this is prob the most symptomatic preg I've ever had already! Probably because I haven't really had time to have some proper cycles after consecutive losses and being preg again so hormones are prob still haywire. Xx
Hey everyone! Just been catching up. Sorry to hear about the sickness! It really is a downside to creating a person isn't it. I cannot believe that I have not actually been sick yet! I feel very very sick, but so far I've managed to control it and not actually throw up so that's nice for a chsnge to my last pregnancy!!
Haha wishlists are the best online... I already have my eye on the travel system I want! Can't wait to get to a point where it is acceptable to go buy stuff! I love being over prepared lol and shopping is always fun.
I am just finding I am over tired like every day no matter how much sleep I am getting. I just want to leave work half way through the day and go home to sleep. It's mad... Luckily after tomorrow I have a week off work so I can actually relax and try have a couple of duvet days with DD and DH to try and catch up on some of this tiredness!
I know what you mean clare, had it before when a bit further on like a tightening pain?
So glad I have the day off today! Got doctors again at 2 as I'm throwing up so much that I'm worried about keeping the steroids down and the tablets I have atm don't seem to be working. Steroids can cause sickness themselves never mind with preg sickness so I'm sure theyl be able to give me something stronger . Just want all to be okay this time so so bad!! Xx
the doctors aren't quite sure of dates but I have a baby in there with a heartbeat. For now we are going with the 13th August although it is possible I may get put back a week when I have my next scan in roughly 6 weeks....
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