***August 2016 Mummies***

Ah more wonderful scan pictures :cheer:
Congrats on graduating to tri2 xx
Lovely pics, can't wait for mine!

I had Drs appointment and she's given me some antidepressants that are safer for baby than what I was on but nothing is 100% safe. In first tri they can cause heart defects but she said obviously being almost 12 weeks that that won't be in issue. If taken in third tri it can cause pressure in the lungs blood vessels causing breathing problems and/or withdrawals in the baby she said both are slim and not serious but baby would spend a few days in special care if it happened. But as much as I feel I need them I can't bring myself to take them, we've tried for so long for a baby and I've never been this far before I don't want to do anything that could harm the baby. I got through the last 2 months thinking if things got to bad there was a safe alternative, now I know there's not I feel worse than before.

Sorry for the long post, just needed to get it off my chest x
Nicki, maybe it helps already knowing you have the meds and if it gets too bad you can take them. If the doctor says it's safe, it will be safe :-) so when the moment comes you feel you really need the meds, you can take them. Your health is also important for your baby! I always think a child will be happiest when the parents feel good as well. Xxx
Don't worry about taking them love, my midwife said they are better than feeling down for the baby because you give baby like bad vibes if you feel depressed and stuff and I was half debating on them last week because I've suffered with depression before and last week I just kept crying! But I've cheered up since so I think I might be alright xx
Thanks ladies, I think I'll think about it a few days. I feel ok today mentally although I've been awake since 1am with the most painful abdo pain which I'm pretty sure is because I'm so constipated as it was very high up pain! but now I'm completely panicking about baby :( I can't say I'm enjoying pregnancy all that much. Hope you're all ok x
Great pics ladies!

I can't stop crying at the mo- about 3 to 4 times a day! x
Aww fairyprincess, I totally know that feeling I cry a lot at the moment over silly things, it is to be expected! We are all here to hear about it love lol, poor adam doesnt know what to do with me sometimes if I am crying! A few nights ago I would get into bed and cry lots because I just felt fed up of throwing up and it was like an emotional breakdown for a few minutes lol xxx
Lots of lovely scan pictures. Toby, your little boy looks such a proud big brother :-)
Aww fairyprincess, I totally know that feeling I cry a lot at the moment over silly things, it is to be expected! We are all here to hear about it love lol, poor adam doesnt know what to do with me sometimes if I am crying! A few nights ago I would get into bed and cry lots because I just felt fed up of throwing up and it was like an emotional breakdown for a few minutes lol xxx

Glad I'm not the only one! DH is the same, he doesn't know what to do but then I start laughing like a crazy woman! x
I am so frustrated. First of all I live in the US so I know you ladies don't have to deal with this insurance nonsense but I have to rant. It's taking FOREVER for my new insurance to be processed. I still don't have my ID number and I can't even make an appointment before they give me an ID number. And then they will schedule me at least 3 weeks out. Meaning I won't even have my first appointment before I'm 13-14 weeks or maybe even more at this rate. We are not telling the other kids or other people until after that first appointment when we hear a heartbeat and at this rate I'm going to be halfway through my damn pregnancy before they can see me. I HATE this process.

I've been calling around to see if there's any low-cost clinic where I can get a heartbeat check. No luck so far.
I hope you manage to sort it out Kholl. People moan about the NHS, but when I hear stories of the health care in America it makes me so pleased I live here. The other day I heard of a woman trying to raise $5000 for a set of false teeth, here they'd be £200 or so on the NHS.
Yeah Flinty it's a total sh*t show over here when it comes to that stuff. That plus the 6 weeks of maternity leave and zero paternity leave. I have friends who have gone back to work when they are still bleeding for crying out loud! It's criminal. I love it here (Oregon specifically) but there are some major issues that need to be addressed still.
Could I pretty please be changed to 19th August? I have had my EDD confirmed :)
Scan day today and although it's only been 3 weeks since I saw the heartbeat I'm bloody terrified! It's not till this evening so work is going to be fun! How are you all? X
Good luck with your scan. I've got mine on Monday, thankfully at 9:30!! I would hate to wait all day.
Good luck Nicki!
KirtsyLeight, I'm glad to see your scan went well :)

I'm 11 weeks today... still feeling grim. At least I get to work from home today so I managed a lie in. Am struggling to mame it through a full day at work if im honest... How is everyone?! xxx
Good luck with the scan!
Struggling here too LR. Just when I thought the sickness had got a lot better it's back in full force. Didn't even make it to the bathroom today which resulted in sick all over myself, and the hallway floor. Ugh!
Got made redundant at the end of the year which was obviously not ideal but to be honest I'm wondering how I would have coped working full time feeling like this.
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Good luck, Nicki!
I had to stop work, because some silly belgian rule that you can't work with little children when pregnant. Typical overprotection, and while you're forced to stay at home you only receive some 60% of your normal wages... It's better than nothing, but my choice would be full wages and keep working.
Kholl, 6 weeks of maternity leave?? We get 15 weeks in total, of which at least 2 before your EDD and the rest after birth. Because I had to stop work, I have to take 6 weeks before EDD and get 9 weeks with my baby. But we can get an additional 3 months to spread over time if our employer agrees. Lots of women work only 4 days per week in that system. Paternity leave is 10 days max. Which is nice: your OH can go and arrange all the paperwork, inform family and friends... If they don't get severe back problems just at that moment like my OH did with DS. ;-) How much maternity leave do you get in the UK?

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