***August 2016 Mummies***

Awwww lovely pic ab - bet it's was amazing feeling to see it and know everything is going well!! So my midwife just rang and has asked if I can go at 12pm rather than 3pm which is good apart from I have now had to rush around feeling nauseous to get dressed lol ...... Hope I get a scan date today :-)
Or is it end of week 13 we move over? Xx
Just returned from my appt midwife is Gemma and she is lovely .... She gave me some medication for the sickness said I can't go on like this so hopefully these will start to help me feel better!! She said I due 25th August based on LMP but obviosuly will need to see what scan says (should get a scan between 9-26th Feb she said - feels like ages away) but I felt a bit more positive that I may start to feel more human soon!!!
Huge congratulations ab11. What a great picture.
I bet you can't stop looking at it!

Flinty84 I am so nervous too. I have pictured them telling me that they cannot find anything and I have myself prepared for the worst that I will probably fall off the bed tomorrow if they tell me good news.
I am counting the hours down and don't know how I will sleep tonight.

I will be dying to hear how you get on too!
Only 1 sleep to go now x
Nice scan pic ab11.

I believe its tomorrow we move over :) there's a few of us moving tomorrow too I think. X
Hi hun.

Do you think you could take my name off the list on the first page please?

I had an ERPC yesterday :-(

Good luck with all your pregnancies August mummies.

How crazy there's so many of us with same date xx
I'm so sorry Emily, hope your okay xxx
Sorry emily I have been crap at keeping this first page up to date, I have kept up with your story and sent you my well wishes in your journal thread, loads of love xxxxxxx
I couldn't sleep last night, so got out my Doppler, and managed to find a heartbeat. Made me feel more positive about tomorrow. Today I'm exhausted, so as soon as my oh leaves for work, I'm going to bed! I would go now but feel bad as he's not had much sleep today, and I'd feel mean going to bed, when he can't go to bed for another 12 hours.
Sorry emily I have been crap at keeping this first page up to date, I have kept up with your story and sent you my well wishes in your journal thread, loads of love xxxxxxx

It's ok hun.

I saw you had popped by.

Thank you.

Hopefully I'll be back in Tri 1 soon and can actually graduate!

Yes emily you will definitely!!! Can't wait to see you in tri one again! xxxxxxx
Emily, thinking of you.

Tons of RLP these days. And I think I'm feeling flutters! I can palpate my uterus, which is massively reassuring. I definitely couldn't do that this early with my first 2.

Haven't made my first appointment yet, still waiting for insurance to be finalized.
Lexi- could you change me from August 23 to August 30? Thanks!
Done Kholl! I think for the august thread in tri 2 I won't do that front page I forget about it all the time lol! xx
Sorry emily I have been crap at keeping this first page up to date, I have kept up with your story and sent you my well wishes in your journal thread, loads of love xxxxxxx

Hello I need to come off the list too Hun

Thanks xx

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