***August 2016 Mummies***

Kholl- sorry to hear you're having such problems with your insurance! People do moan about the NHS but we're lucky we don't have to worry about these things. Hope you get it sorted soon.

My Doppler arrived the other day and I found the HB- it was amazing. 2 weeks tomo until my scan! X
Thanks ladies, all ok moved me forward 2 days so due date is now Aug 15th


Awww Nicki they are lovely pics. Congrats. Now time to stop worrying and start to really enjoy.
Dd is just one day behind mine. Eeeekkk this is so exciting ������������
Thanks, I can't stop looking at them. Since my scan I've been getting weird pulling feelings behind my belly button, it's hard to describe! Anyone else feeling anything?
Lovely pics Nick!
Just wanted to put this out there, can't recommend boots pregnancy support multivitamins with ginger enough, forgot to take one a few days ago and I had terrible nausea and sickness all the following day. Much more manageable again since taking them.
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Today, my son pulled up my sweater, pointed at my belly and said 'baby' for the first time... It was so cute. :kiss:
Had my scan this morning. All looking good. Been put forward two days so now due 20th August.
Great news Clare! congratulations.
I've still 10 days to wait for my scan... time is going so slowly!

Ah Flo how sweet bet he can't wait to be a big brother!!

Welcome Dgreen10 :) good luck for your scan xx
Hello newbies! Sorry I am welllllll behind with the front page so I'll try catch up if you guys want to Be on it! Lovely to see so many new faces too xxx
Good news, Clare :-) and welcome, new moms!
I can't wait till we're all in tri 2... I keep telling myself all will be well after I got there :-)
Haha yep I have 2 weeks until I'm in tri 2.

I go in tomorrow to listen for a heartbeat (at a local water birth center- they will use a Doppler). I'll be 11+2. I am so scared. I really really hope all is well and we hear a heartbeat tomorrow.
Good luck Kholl. Let us know how you get on!

I'm 12 weeks today! One step closer to tri2. I'm still terrified something will go wrong. Still have 8 days to wait till my scan date.

Am still tired and nauseous.... very bloated too! How's everyone else symptom wise? I feel like I've been hungover and jetlagged since the day I got my BFP!!

Good luck with all the upcoming scans! Mine is on Friday, very worried but eager to find out if all OK.

Talking about symptoms, and I'm sorry if this is TMI but just has to ask if anyone had been through the same thing so early on. I woke up at 4am, couldn't sleep and absolutely starving so after using the loo and trying to get back to sleep, I got up about 4:30 to make something to eat. Got back into bed right away and watched some TV until 6am when suddenly felt the breakfast coming back up again, legged it to the bathroom, but for the first time ever, every time I was sick I managed to wee myself a little bit (argh, haha!) I literally could of done with sitting on the toilet with a bucket in my arms!
I didn't think this was something that would happen so early on? Anyone else had the same?

Sorry for TMI so early in the morning!
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Good luck with all the upcoming scans! Mine is on Friday, very worried but eager to find out if all OK.

Talking about symptoms, and I'm sorry if this is TMI but just has to ask if anyone had been through the same thing so early on. I woke up at 4pm, couldn't sleep and absolutely starving so after using the loo and trying to get back to sleep, I got up about 4:30 to make something to eat. Got back into bed right away and watched some TV until 6am when suddenly felt the breakfast coming back up again, legged it to the bathroom, but for the first time ever, every time I was sick I managed to wee myself a little bit (argh, haha!) I literally could of done with sitting on the toilet with a bucket in my arms!
I didn't think this was something that would happen so early on? Anyone else had the same?

Sorry for TMI so early in the morning!

Oh my God I am glad it's not just me! I heave soooo hard when I gag and throw up that I pee a little too! You have to just do those pelvic floor exercises! I throw up all the time still and my breakfast comes up every day, lunch and sometimes dinner. It's really hard work xx

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