***August 2016 Mummies***

Thanks kholl I will have to try that then ..... Yesterday I was actually sick numerous times :-( feel like I am getting worse! Awww exciting scan day summergurl - hope all is well ..... I can't wait for my scan! I have my booking in appt on Thursday 3pm so hopefully get a scan soon after!
Good luck Summergirl, we look forward to hearing how it went :-)

Having mine on the 12th Feb, so im waiting not so patiently ! :)
12 week scan finally tomorrow even though it's our 4th scan, I'm still feeling anxious xx
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Ahh all these scans, so exciting. Good luck ladies. I got my 12 week scan through - 18th Feb. Will be 13.5 weeks by then (touch wood all goes well) so can't help but feel it's really far off! Time will drag!

How is everyone today? I'm so used to being tired and nauseous it's like the norm now! xx
All good ladies, nice little heartbeat & a well behaved baby for the scan!

Congratulations summergurl that is amazing news.
I bet you have to keep pinching yourself to believe it.

I have mine this Friday morning and my nerves are gone waiting for it.
Lovely scan pic! Congratulations :-)
Struggling a bit today, hungry and a bit sicky but can't find anything I fancy. Hubby is out for dinner tonight so I've got a plate of very random things that I think i might be able to stomach!
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Awww amazing summergurl glad all is well - did they date you how you thought? ...... I can't actually believe I have had a resonbly good day on the sick side of things no vomit and only retched once, I even managed to get dressed (1st time in 10 days) and I had a short stroll in the park with the dog :-D I hope this is a good sign things maybe getting bit better!!!!
Bought baby an outfit today after having scan yesterday, but my local Morrison's doesn't have much in white/cream. All pink and blue. Will probably wait until 20 week scan before buying much else as still have everything of my daughter's left so will need to go through all that at some point.

Has anyone thought of prams yet? I don't know what to do about prams, Harper doesn't do much walking when out and if I don't take the pushchair will normally want carrying after 10-15 mins but doubles are really expensive! She will be about 2 years 8 months when this baby comes so I suppose we still got time to encourage more walking or maybe get a buggy board.

I was thinking of maybe getting a sling and carrying baby in the early days so Harper can still use the pushchair. I love the look of slings but never gave them a go first time round. I wouldn't know where to start tho as to what sort to get. I like the look of the ones that wrap around you. Anyone got any experiences of slings? Xx
Summergurl, what a cute picture! You must be so happy :-)

We've been thinking about a buggy board as well. My son will be 2.5 years in August and he likes short walks. For longer walks we would use the sling we had for him, for the baby, and he can use the buggy. I liked carrying him around in it, he always looked very comfortable... But we're waiting a few months to buy a buggy board, we'll take some walks without buggy and see how he does first.

I was so happy with my anti-sickness meds, but now I notice they're not perfect. Had a terrible sick day. Hoping tomorrow'll be better!

Nicola, I'm really glad you had a better day today. Fingers crossed it stays like that!
Yep we keep having to remind ourselves it's real! They dated me spot on like I thought, due 9th August. We went and bought one outfit in cream, a cute little Winnie the oooh 2 piece set from asda.

Haven't thought much about Oran's yet although we have had a look in mother care at a few!

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