Bought baby an outfit today after having scan yesterday, but my local Morrison's doesn't have much in white/cream. All pink and blue. Will probably wait until 20 week scan before buying much else as still have everything of my daughter's left so will need to go through all that at some point.
Has anyone thought of prams yet? I don't know what to do about prams, Harper doesn't do much walking when out and if I don't take the pushchair will normally want carrying after 10-15 mins but doubles are really expensive! She will be about 2 years 8 months when this baby comes so I suppose we still got time to encourage more walking or maybe get a buggy board.
I was thinking of maybe getting a sling and carrying baby in the early days so Harper can still use the pushchair. I love the look of slings but never gave them a go first time round. I wouldn't know where to start tho as to what sort to get. I like the look of the ones that wrap around you. Anyone got any experiences of slings? Xx