***August 2016 Mummies***

Thanks everyone. Had the scan this morning and everything is fine. Heart rate of 170bpm and we saw the arms and legs moving.
I had my scan too but I can't upload the photo from either my laptop or phone i think this website hates apple products! sodding macbook never works uploading things but I don't know how to change the settings!

Fairyprincess, hope you don't mind but I emailed you my scan photo so I could put it on my thread in tri 1!

I can't even change my avatar for some unknown reason xx
Fab news girls.

Flexilexi if I upload from my iPhone I do a Google search for upload photo to forum, use that website then copy the link it gives you once uploaded for a forum then just paste in a thread :(
Glad your scans were good :-) nice scan, Lexi! It's amazing how they already look like little babies while there's still so much to grow and develop...
We just went to buy a cute little T-shirt with "I'm going to be a big brother!" for our boy :good:
Just wanted to pop in and say hi, I'm on the September thread as EDD is 10th Sep, but I can't shake the feeling this one might arrive early and in August.... Remains to be seen!

I'm jealous of these scans, I've got to wait until next Friday for mine. I'll be nearly 13 weeks :( time seems to be dragging!
Same here mine is wed when I'll be nearly 13 too :(
Can't stop peeing!! Suppose its only going to get worse xx
Congrats on the scans. Mine is Monday, I should be 12 weeks exactly. Defiantly feeling bigger the past week, my tummy is achy and feels stretched lol. Probably doesn't help that I can't stop eating x
I've got a private scan tomorrow.

I'm absolutely shitting it.

My last pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage.

I'm just praying that everything is ok in there.

So anxious I could cry.

Plus I can't stop peeing again. It calmed down for a few weeks but the past few days it's returned! I must of gone about 8 times this morning over the space of 3 hours and every time my bladder was full! X
Fingers crossed for you Emily. Hope it goes well. What time is your scan? Xx
Hope it goes well Emily. I know exactly how you will be feeling.

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