Attack of the green eyed monster


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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(phone wrote minister instead of monster first time, made me laugh)

Someone at work just got a call to say his wife has gone into labour. Really happy for him, lovely guy, fantastic father already etc, but he was so excited and wishing him well tore me apart. Now the whole office is buzzing and everyone's telling birth stories and all sorts and I just don't want to hear it.

How long will we have to wait?
Hope u don't have to wait too much longer hun :hug: xx
Oh Scotch! I know exactly how you feel! I have been feeling like the horrible green eyed monster for a while now! (I actually have green eyes too reckon thats a sign).

Its so hard when you are in these situations! I have to swallow a big lump in my throat.

We will have ours soon and we will be so happy and such great mums! Big hugs!
:hugs: you won't have to wait much longer.
My first patients mum was heavily pregnant and the next patient was a 3 month old baby, the joys of working in a childrens hospital. I spend all day asking mums about their pregnancy and deliveries, does grate a bit so I share your pain x
Oh no scotch, nothing worse than having to listen to baby talk when all you want to do is try and forget about it for a while! xx
Thanks guys, good to know we're not alone sometimes. I'm usually quite good with it, but with the year milestone looming I'm finding things harder than ever.

The anticipation is always worse than the reality of it. I just want the day to come and go and let us get on with it
You'll be up the duff in no time and this will all be a distant memory :hugs: xx
All we gotta do is constantly think, That will be me. We will get our little baba's we're dreaming of one day and will all be the most amazing mummies.

Oh for god's sake. Talk about kicking you when you're down!

Had just pulled myself together, plastered on a smile and decided to go for a walk in the sunshine. Bump into an ex colleague in reception, thrilled to see him and ask how he's doing. His wife's due to drop in the next week and he's really excited. Not only does he ask me when we're going to have kids but he goes on to say we should fert a move on as it doesn't happen quickly for everyone, it took them three whole months and they were relieved to find out nothing's wrong!


I pledge, I swear, never ever to ask that horrible question of anyone ever!
Oh No ! It sounds like your having a terrible day hun ! i know how you feel, there is a lady here at my work that starts her Maternity leave next week, i am happy for her but it does make me feel sad watching her ''waddle'' around the office ! It will happen for us one day ! Chin up ! xxx
:hugs::hugs:Oh scotch, i want to come and slap that silly man for you:mad:

What a stupid thing to ask (although always get asked too) but then to go on and say 3 months???? 3 months, gahhh so annoying

Hope you are holding up ok. xxx
I've just bust into tears at my desk because I sent a report to be reviewed and used the wrong template and have to do loads more work and I should be preparing for a difficult meeting and I just don't know how to cope with anything any more.

Where has my strength gone? I'm not the person I was a year ago.
I've just bust into tears at my desk because I sent a report to be reviewed and used the wrong template and have to do loads more work and I should be preparing for a difficult meeting and I just don't know how to cope with anything any more.

Where has my strength gone? I'm not the person I was a year ago.

Oh ScotchEgg. What a horrid day :hugs::hugs::hugs:
It's ok not to be strong all the time - just crap it always happens at the wrong time eh. It's nearly the end of the work day so just try and get through this afternoon and then go home and be with OH. x
Right, mope over. Horrible meeting in 49 minutes, gotta get my strong head on

Thanks so much girls, you make it so much easier. Xxx
hope everything works out for you hun. :dust: to you
Hey sorry to hear your feeling like that. I had a friend in her early 20s that took 18 months to concieve, and shes just about to have her 2nd. I know that it seems long but you'll still get there chick. I remember her saying that she was stressing out because of it, and her OH had booked a holiday to help take her mind off it, and it was actually on that holiday she concieved :) Best of luck xxx
Oh Scotch sorry to hear that you day has been a nightmare. Some people just don't think before they speak!! I hope your meeting went smoothly. fx for that bfp real soon xx
The one year milestone def does suck, and it is not helped by all the pregnant people around us ..... I swear there is an epidemic!!

It WILL happen hun, its just going to take a bit longer for us. No one is expected to be strong every single day, I sure as hell aren't. There are days when I don't want to get out of bed.

Stay strong sweetie, we are all here for you xxx
Aaaah Scotch sorry to hear your feeling don't but don't worry there's tons of us feeling like this. I can't help seeing other women and feeling pangs but it's all normal. We can all support each other til our time comes (which it will)

My friend took 3 years so it will happen for you. I know it's tough but chin up hun xx

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