At what age did your LO get their first tooth?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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At what age did your LO get their first tooth?
And if you don't mind saying, how did the rest of their teeth follow, where they the same week, month?
Thankyou very much for any replies, this teething business is awful, still waiting on Isaac's first :shakehead:
Ryan's got 5 coming through - fangs at the top and bottom - but one bottom middle tooth has actually cut through now, it's all sharp and zigzaggy.

So that one will be up first. Then the fangs I reckon.
Tom got his first two (at the bottom) when he was about 10months but hasn't got any more yet. I think he's been teething for over half his life!
Lxx :hug:
My 3 have all been the same. The 2 bottom teeth came through within days of each other at almost 7 months. Then at 9 months the top 2 came through. At 11 months Nathan got 2 more through on the top but I can't remember with other kids.
Keeley got her first bottom two teeth when she was 5months old
She's probably got two teeth a month or so since then she now has 16 teeth and is 16 months old :)
Keeley got her first bottom two teeth when she was 5months old
She's probably got two teeth a month or so since then she now has 16 teeth and is 16 months old :)
Keeley got her first bottom two teeth when she was 5months old
She's probably got two teeth a month or so since then she now has 16 teeth and is 16 months old :)
That was so important nic you had to post it 3 times lol

Oran got his middle bottom right cut through at 5 months then at 5 1/2 months got his middle bottom left, his seem to take ages to grow though once through took till about 6 1/2 or maybe even 7 months before they were fully popped up. Then got top middle left at 9 months, top middle right on Monday this week and the left and right ones either side of his top middle ones day before yest
Jude got first tooth, middle bottom, last week. Next one to it is peeping through now as well x
Summer will be 5 months next week and she has a top and bottom tooth coming through.
luke had his first 2 come at 7 months and is only now at 11 months getting another 4 at once!
willow got her bottom 2 teeth at 5 months they came through within a couple weeks of each other then her top 2 came through at about 7 months and they came through within a couple of weeks and her next 2 were top ones and they came through at 9 months again within a couple of weeks of each other.
The bottom two came together within a week at just under 5 months.

They were no bother but the top two seem to take ages! Then they all came through together and he had a mouthful by his birthday.

Hope little Isaac isn't suffering too much :hug:

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