First Tooth?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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What age did your LO get their first tooth?

Savannah has been teething litterally since she was born and has one tooth that we thought was going to come through about two months ago but still hasn't!
Stanley cut his first tooth last week at 17 weeks :) he cut another at the weekend! My first son was that early too. I hate the teething stage they get so unsettled :( xx
17 weeks here too and now at 17 months she's got 4 left to get will be glad when teething is over!

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Argh it's awful isn't it :( I've had hardly any sleep last 4 nights poor thing xx
Tbh I think 17 weeks is quite early! My nephew cut his first 4 altogether at 9 months so it just depends really xx
Caleb was showing signs of teething at around 9 weeks, and he's only just got his first two teeth, 3 weeks ago they both came through within 2 days of each other! xx
I know, She has just started waking in the night again and the last two nights we have given her a bottle to sooth her a little as literally nothing else would work. After some milk and bonjela she went back off... In our bed the little monkey.
I find anbesol is the only thing that works for the pain xx
It's a liquid anaesthetic and antiseptic it numbs their mouth :) its great. Good too for adults with mouth ulcers :) you can get it at boots xx
I have a boots right next to my work :) I'm going to get some tomorrow on my lunch to try it. Thanks for the info :)
Lol yeah try it, it's great :) its the only thing that worked on Alfie too :) xx
Jack cut his 1st tooth at 8 months. He now has 3 at the bottom :) x

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