At what age can we get rid of baby monitors?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Lo stil is in his cot and Is 15 months now and was wondering when i would i could get rid of me monitors although he only seems to wake up when teething but not sure when other people got rid of theres ?
thanks x
i still have madisons and dont think i will get rid of them until she is able to come into my room by herself if she needs something, hate the thot of her needing me and maybe me not hearing her xx
I had no choice but to get rid of it just before 1 year. It stopped working. But actually, I hear her every little move, guess we just get used to listening out for them so it really hasn't made a difference to me waking or not. Her room is right next to mine though with her cot against my wall so I guess its easy to hear her like that as well.
I don't plan on stopping using mine for a long time yet, i can't here LO unless im right outside her room & as our room is the other side of the house i need it. like Piglet said id hate to think she needed me & i didn't hear her xx
Yeah it'd only take a deep sleep :/ one time My Monitors were dodgy and i woke and it was flashing Red shed been squealing for god knows how long :( needless to say I bought new monitors that day xx
Tristan has a right pair of lungs on him and his room also right next to our room I cant hear him down stairs but if i go in towards the kitchen bathroom i can hear him altho not when im in living room. I dont know what made me think bout the monitors, although there handy when in times when needed when hes suffering with teething x
I stopped using mine a few months ago, so before T was 1, although have used them again over the past few days while he has had a vomiting bug...
I've never used them (please no one shout at me) If Charley wakes up, i always hear him. I sleep with my bedroom door open and i always check on him before i go to bed.
No one will shout at you :) people do things different of how they want to do things. Although when he went into his new room i leave door open although i dont sleep properly anyway when ive got him you automatically listen out for them x
Me to chaz, herbie is still I'm my room so u can hear him but when he go's up at bedtime before us I alway just hear him, think it's cos I lived in a flat when I had monty so got use to it xxx
Defo each to their own I'm a freak about having all doors shut tightly lol so I mightn't hear her xx
I just stopped using ours at 10months old. I can hear her and our bedroom is right next door. Her door is shut but ours is open as we have cats.

My mil couldn't find it the other day and complained that she's slightly deaf(!) and needed it! Noone else in our house uses it so I've not put it back to pander to her. She's not deaf btw....

I stopped using the mattress monitor some time ago as she moved too much

Emma x

I have mine for when we sit out in the garden for an evening BBQ etc (not that that's gonna happen much longer!), but don't really need it at night - Lizzie doesn't even cry when she wakes anyway. I go in at 7:30 and she's awake so no idea when she wakes up but she's happy to lay in her cot with her toys :)
I have mine for when we sit out in the garden for an evening BBQ etc (not that that's gonna happen much longer!), but don't really need it at night - Lizzie doesn't even cry when she wakes anyway. I go in at 7:30 and she's awake so no idea when she wakes up but she's happy to lay in her cot with her toys :)

I have tried putting toys in Tristan's cot but he would rather stand next to his cot and cry :( ive put his toys in an he hardly seems bothered with them when i go in in the morning to him x
My HV told me not to get rid of them untill baby is able to get out of bed & come through to you. Even older babies can still be sick in their sleep ect & you might not know.
I got rid of mine around 11 months, Jasper just rocks his cot now when he wakes up, or talks to his rag dolly for a while til we hear him :) Monitors are great for hearing very new babies shuffle around (because they get very scared if they wake up and no one is about) but they arent much use for older babies IMHO
we're fading out the use of it. We have it when we go to my mothers cos its a 3 story house so we cant hear him and I CBA popping up every 5 mins when hes napping!

I dont feel the need to use it at home anymore, he bangs on the wall and calls me when he wakes up anyway, and we live in a newbuild so walls are like paper anyway :roll:

If hes unwell I put it on just to reassure me.
I think the answer is - whenever you feel ready.

We like to have ours on as we live in an old house with thick walls. I sometimes wear ear plugs too. As long as you can hear them its fine.

You will know when you are ready to turn it off when you start forgetting to put it on. If that makes sense.

AJ will be 3 in November and we still use his.
We keep all of the doors shut at night for the dog (also good for fire safety) and cant hear AJ if he needs us if we dont switch it on. Using the monitor is just habit now :)
I agree, it doesn't really matter how long you use them for. I'd never forgive myself if anything were to happen and I was sat downstairs watching TV and couldn't hear what was happeneing.

Aside from that a monitor just lets me hear when my little girl is awake and ready for attention. I'd not hear otherwise.

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