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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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Hi Ladies, was just looking for a bit of advise before LO arrives.

First question is, which do you think is better, an actual plastic baby bath or one of those seats you put in your own bath. My mom's bought me a chair type thing you put in your own bath and says it's easier for topping and tailing and that, this way there is no risk of dropping the baby when wet.
So has anyone used one and what do you think?

And secondly when I was at my ante natal class, the MW was showing us how to bath a baby and said you MUST NOT put any product in the bath water at all for 6 months :shock:
And that the only product you should use on them is olive oil to get rid of dry skin, fair enough on that. But nothing at all in the bath water!? I could understand for the first couple of weeks but 6 months seems like a long time to me!?
How soon did you start using products like bubble bath, soap, shampoo etc?

Thankyou :)

I had a baby bath and it didn't last long before Matthew out grew it, also I used baby jonsons baby bath from the beginning, never heard of not using any for 6months!

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I think I started off just putting a few drops of baby oil in the bath the first few weeks and then went on to baby bath stuff. Don't think it matters so long as they are rinsed/dried properly so they don't have residue left on their skin.
Also I found it difficult to use a baby bath when Lizzie was really little, probably only used it a handful of times. Tbh OH was working away for the first 7 weeks of Lizzie's life and I probably bathed her once a week and just top and tailed it the rest of the time! Then when he was home he would sit in the bath with her while I washed her.
He still has baths with her now and I use the bath seat (a proper upright one) if he's away and she really needs a wash.
My back is too bad to lean over the big bath and hold her by myself, I would end up crippled!
I didn't use anything for first few weeks but then started using johnsons bedtime bath and every third night we wash her hair with johnsons shampoo. We just have a cloth support thing for in the main bath - only cost about £10 and it's been fab x
I had to use shampoo on day 2 as there was still loads of blood and gunk in his hair. After that I used cradle cap shampoo and J&J body wash. First week I used the sink, until he outgrew it! Now I just put him in my bath, he manages to propel himself up and down the bath like one of those wind up toys...he's defo going to be a professional swimmer! Sometimes I get in with him.
I used a bath seat with both children and highly recommend it.
Your not meant to use products in the bath for the 1st week, charley had sensitive skin though so I didn't use products except oilatum bath stuff for the 1st couple of months x.
I'm still using the baby bath as I only have a shower which isn't ideal. I didn't use anything in the water for the first few weeks and I use oilatum emollient or hydromol from the HV as Emily has really dry skin. I wouldn't recommend a baby bath, they're heavy to carry and really do your back in. If you've got a bath your better off with a baby bath seat that reclines.
I used a foam mat thing that you lay the baby on and it floats on the water. I preferred it because the chairs seemed a little uncomfortable to me.
I used Johnsons baby bath and oil pretty much from day one. But I used cradle cap shampoo rather than Johnsons as a preventative measure as my first son had bad cradle cap.
Hope this helps x
I also had a baby bath that didn't last long then to a chair and now he just sits in a bath. You can buy the lay down kinda slouch seat that sits in the for the LO x
we've never used a baby bath, just a bath support in our normal bath. Worked perfectly and he still uses it now! x
We had a baby bath, but ended up actually putting it in the big bath! Think next time I'll just use a support x
When my LO was born 3 weeks ago (straight after the birth) the MW took us to give him his first bath, she said to put a wee drop of johnsons baby bath in - she said its perfectly fine.

She also said - & i've heard other ppl saying this over the years that its best not to use the things for holding baby up in the bath as it might make it harder for them to take to a proper bath when older.

Holding them in bath is scary but you soon get used to it - & i've never heard of anyone dropping baby in bath. I suppose you could use the support thing for the first cpl of weeks til you build up confidence.

With Paige i had a baby bath that i used downstairs in the front room, with jake i had a bath seat for the proper bath and found both equally as good so its entirely up to you. As for not putting stuff in the bath my MW also told me straight after the birth that it was ok to use johnsons stuff as nowadays its so mild xx

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