At hospital! So scared!


Sep 15, 2010
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Hi girls

I'm at the hospital after I found a little bit of blood and discharge about half hour ago. I've been to the loo again and there was nothing there this time but I'm absolutely shitting myself, I'm actually historical and can't stop crying I just want my little one to be ok!

Has this happened to anyone else and it has been ok? I'm 9 weeks. Please help keeping me as positive as possible! Xx
I had some bleeding at 11 weeks and turned out to be fine. hang in there. could be cervical irritation, a touch of thrush or anything, or they may never know what caused the bleed. I'll be thinking of you hun xxx
Ive just got back,nothing they could do just have to keep an eye on it and go back if it carries on or get bad pains! But I do have a scan on monday! Im praying baby is fine and theres a HB! This is so horrible!
Hope everything is ok hun :hugs: x x

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hope all is ok hun xxxxxxxxxx
*hugs* I hope everything is ok. I had spotting at 4 and a half weeks and some this week past. I had a scan on Thursday and everything was fine and I saw a flicker :) you'll feel alot better once you get your scan on Monday.
Will be thinking of you!

X x x x
hope everythin ok lovey!hold tight untill monday x
Hi Hun,
Thinking of you today and hoping all is ok.

X x x x
hope you're feeling bit better .. x x x
Hey - hope you are ok - any news from today hun?
Ive been thinking of you today hun, how did your scan go? x x

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Thinking of you too hun - how was the scan? x
Hey just put on a new thread! Babys is fine, Im over the moon! They think the bleed was old blood as there was no sign of any bleeding on the scan, sac, baby, ovaries were all ok. However it did happen on the day I was due on which aparently happens sometimes! Thanks for your support girls xx

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