Aspirin, 75mg?


Nov 7, 2018
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I'm at 17 weeks (yay!). Today at the midwife's appointment she asked, do I have a family history of preeclampsia? Midwife said if my mother suffered from high blood pressure during her pregnancy (she sure does now), then I should take some aspirin. So I called my mum later - she had hypertension (with crisis) before pregnancy, but no preeclampsia. That's what she remembers.
My next appointment will be in 6 weeks, so I'm not sure - should I start taking baby aspirin? Don't really want to ask for an urgent appointment just because of one question. My risk factors are: first pregnancy, ovarian cysts and my mum's severe hypertension.
Are you taking Aspirin?
I'm taking aspirin because my mom had pre eclampsia. Weirdly didn't have to take last time
Ring your MW and see what she says, I had to get mine over the counter.
Ring your MW and see what she says, I had to get mine over the counter.
Yep, I tried "Maternity assessment (if you need advice)" number and they said I should call "Community midwives" on Monday. I've had 2 appointments in the hospital with 2 different midwives, and my next app will be in some antenatal clinic with MW #3. So I'm not sure which one is "mine" :think: Waiting for Monday.
My sister had pre-eclampsia and I have had to take aspirin every day since 12 weeks... Now 16 weeks.
I don't like taking tablets but just going with what the midwife has said to do :)
My mum has pre eclampsia in 2/3 pregnancies but I’ve never had to take anything with any pregnancy. My blood pressure has always been very low though. My sister in law did take aspirin the whole of her pregnancy as she had high blood pressure before pregnancy and now have a healthy 4 week old gorgeous boy! Xx

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