Arrrrrgh MIL

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Thats my MIL now phoning my mobile because i had a sweep today. How annoying. I really cant be bothered with this up until i go into labour! If i am in labour i will tell you! I know its such a pointless post but i was just waiting on the phone ringing.
Im ignoring her! x
Grr! Bloody MILs x Text her back and tell her to P***S off lol x
I text her back and said, it went fine nothing to report and it probably wont work cos my cervix is too far back.
She responded saying she had pictured herself up at the hospital on Saturday. F**k off! lol x
I keep getting texts and calls off of loads of people asking if I have felt any twinges or if I feel okay. xx
My MIL annoys me at the best of times so she is going to drive me insane while im waiting for labour.
I wish my OH had never told her about the sweep, i said to him, it doesnt work all the time and cos imonly due saturday it prob wont work but she said 'they wouldnt do them if they dont work'.

Im ignoring people who annoy me now. I am not in the mood haha x
Sometimes I think people don't know when to give up. Honestly, the amount of texts and calls you have when over is unbelievable. If you have any news I'm sure you'd tell them!
Exactly pinkpanther. She said to my OH 'you better phone when she goes into labour'.
Of course we are going to phone. Although i wish i didnt have to tell her cos then the whole world will know!

Ive already warned my OH that she better not drag the whole family up to the hospital and i want my first day at home to be just the 3 of us. She was round at OH cousins house an hour after she arrived home with the baby x
Ive got the same thing hun, its starting to piss me off too!! Im not letting anyone in the room apart from OH until after ive given birth until ive had a shower and skin to skin time so i dont know why she needs to know the second i go into labour! x
my son been off school the 3 days so back today and all the way along the road i got asked is ur baby not here yet.... eeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

No its not my due date

No obviously not or ive left him at home alone

No this isnt a ball stuffed under my jumper its still the baby now Fuck off hahahah
I actually just had a total tantrum there to my OH about it lol. Its just so frustrating. I understand how it must be really exciting for them but I'm already a bit gutted that sweep won't work. Doesn't help I start getting phone calls. Had a cry lol x
I've TOLD OH (he didnt get a say lol) that my stupid twat of a MIL isn't allowed to know when I go into labour, I don't want to be harassed by calls and texts by other people...Especially if it ends up being a long labour, and I'm feeling down about it! I'm not even going to tell my parents, because my mum will just worry, and so will my little siblings and I don't want them to have to worry/wait xx

One of my fears is being in labour and OH answering his phone to his mum every 5 mins..I swear I will throw the phone off the wall :lol: xx She gets on my wick soo much xx

Hope your MIL doesnt give you any more hassle chick xx You tell her where to go if she does lol!! x
Lol thanks, she was on the phone to my OH lastnight and he said she hardly mentioned it, he said she thinks she got the hint with the text I wrote back haha.
He just told me if people start to annoy me just to switch my phone off. It think we will both be doing that when it comes to me being in labour. Either that or everyone will just be getting ignored. I wouldn't dream of constantly phoning someone when I know they are at the hospital.
The any niggles and any twinges text msgs are either getting ignored or getting a very blunt reply hahaha. Xx
great thread - really made me smile some of the comments above :lol:

When i came out of bowling yesterday i had 6 messages and 10 missed calls... i only put my phone on silent for 2 hours!!!!

the other thing that is winding me up is people every single time they see me saying... "oooh your bumps dropped" or "ooh you're a completely different shape today"...

it's as if they HAVE to comment just so that if today HAPPENS to be the day you go into labour they will always be able to say... "ooh i said that day you looked different" ggrrrrrrr!!!

now that it's looking likely i'll be induced everyone is changing their tune to say "oh i always thought you'd go overdue again"... gggrrr no you didn't you've been saying for 3 weeks "i reckon you'll be any day now!" lol!
Ha ha thanks for this thread, made me chuckle because I have been having the same from my MIL, thankfully we are over 400 miles away but that doesn't stop her from driving me insane!!! If I don't answer either of the phones in a timely manner she is emailing me or leaving me messages on FB, there is just no escaping her, god bless her I know she is excited but she wants to know every single sniff or twinge that has happened!!!!

lol love this. it is so annoying. i keep having people saying oooh youv'e changed shape etc. im like oh am i made out of fucking play doh all of a sudden. grrr.

wish people would stop. cant put up with this for the next 4 weeks. hurry up little man and be early. 1 so i can meet you 2 so everyone shuts the hell up

why is it we become public property when we are pregnant ??? It drives me mad , people commenting on my bump , what I eat, wear do :( And I just know in a while my phone will start ringing constantly . I have avoided tell most people my real due date and told them the 10th of August (ten ten after the real date) so I wont be annoyed too much . But I know my dad will be phoning me everyday asking how I am god forbid I was in labour and didnt know ?! sorry for the rant but it drives me mad .
ur lucky shes interested lol!! i have a MIL who on saturday said she didnt want madison near them cos she has glue ear (NOT contagious) :( xx
Oh dear she sounds lovely lol.

My MIL is just really interfering though and I'm so worried about what she's going to be like once the baby is here. I bet she turns up at my door everynight cos she stays 5 mins away. I think this annoys me cos my mum is half hour away and can never just pop by and see if I'm home cos it would be a wasted journey. MIL said she would take days off when baby is here, I'm praying she doesn't, I can't handle her for longer than 2 hours at a time. I will ignore the door, I don't care, I'm not having it, being harrassed everyday. She's very snooty and think she's posh too. She brought me round cif one day for my bathroom cos she didn't like what I use to clean bathroom, I think I was using some other brands spray but she wanted me to use cif cream!!!!

HELP!! Hahaha xx
She sounds lovely Emma lol. I think if my MIL ever tried to do that I'd make sure my bathroom always smelt of my bathroom cleaner. My MIL is nice but at the minute she keeps ringing up everyday to check how I am. A lot of people have done that yesterday and today. I just keep saying fine and being really blunt. I know they are all just excited for me and to meet the baby but its like they expect us to have a sixth sense when baby is going to arrive. Maybe you shoud give visitors a time limit so your MIL doesn't stay too long. xx

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