Arrrrrgh MIL

My MIL won't class herself as a visitor though and will be fussing about in the kitchen and stuff. She just has to get in about everything. I can't hide though when I'm annoyed so she may get the hint off me after a few days.

Haha don't get me wrong, the cif is good, but to actually give me a bathroom cleaner was a bit cheeky. My bathroom was perfectly clean, I always make sure especially if I know anyone will be coming up to visit. She decided last week what my favours are going to be for my wedding as well, cos she makes really good tablet, she is going to make that for favours and my mum bloody agreed! Traitor haha. I said to my mum and OH 'when did I agree to this' I will choose the favours I want!

My friends haven't bothered me much about asking if I have had any niggles but they haven't bothered with me much since I've been pregnant. None of them have kids really so its not as big a deal to them. I felt as if I was really rude to my mum lastnight and I immediately felt guilty and burst into tears haha I'm an emotional mess. Xx
I am emotional on certain days lol!! I proper sob and look like a fool. Luckily its only my OH who sees this. It's a pity about your friends. I'm the first in most of my friend groups to have a baby and they still seem pretty excited to say some of them aren't even a bit maternal. Hopefully you will met other mummies soon. I hope your MIL does get the hint when baby is here. I love watching Everybody Loves Raymond. So pleased my MIL isn't like that but it is funny to watch. xx

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