ARRRGH....I want to sleep!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
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It's 3:45am over here and I am wide awake again. I have had about 2 hours up to now but gave up the tossing and turning half an hour ago- I've got to be up for work in 3 hours :(
Where's Midna??
Ive been like this for the last few weeks, really P****** me off!!! Crap telly also. Its strange I feel tired about 9.30 then go and lie down then im bloody wide awake again by 10 :bored: :bored: :bored:
Hubby hid the laptop, in the hopes I would fall asleep, last night lol

I was up at 3am, again! I can't sleep with hubby's arm across any part of my tummy. The reason why; our delightful angel likes to play 'kick daddy's elbow' when his arm is across me.
midna said:
Josephine_Beth said:
Hubby hid the laptop, in the hopes I would fall asleep, last night lol

I was up at 3am, again! I can't sleep with hubby's arm across any part of my tummy. The reason why; our delightful angel likes to play 'kick daddy's elbow' when his arm is across me.

Aye demonseed has got into this habit aswell ...I have to chuck his hand off or I get no sleep lol.

Mines planning a daring escape from Colditz at the moment, with the accompanying theme music to boot... Someones given her a map and a compass.. she knows that there are three exits down there, and that consistent tunneling, might just mean she can escape from one.. Not to mention the fact that if mummy lies on her side, she severely compromises her workspace in there so she must punch and kick the bed to see if it gives way... :roll: :roll: :roll: And elbows on tummy's well.. that has been a complete no no since about 22 weeks... Mummy doesn't like people touching the bump...and baby makes damn sure of it... :rotfl: :rotfl:

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