Feel poorly **update back from midwife 39+4**

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I don't think men get just how hard it is sometimes.

Glad you were looked after by your midwife and hopefully baby won't be long now! xxxx
Hopefully your MW is right and baby will be here before the weekend :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks girls. I hope she is right too. Bubs hadnt engaged anymore than last week, still 2/5 engaged or 3/5 palable whichever way you want to look at it. He is currently bouncing off my cervix though so hopefully he is getting a wriggle on!

Im not even going to worry about OH anymore, I dont need to be stressed so Im going to keep smiling and if I remember to let him know Im in labour then I do, and if not then tough :lol: I think he'd need gas and air more than me anyway :lol:
aww tilly your oh sounds like he went to school with mine. they think it is so easy and they are the ones with the hard life - going to work. i wish i had been able to work this past month but his little munchkin put a stop to that :x

my oh works over 100miles away so stays there through the week and returns home at weekends. he told me that he doesnt want a phonecall about labour until i am in hospital as he doesnt want to be hanging around :shakehead: arse that he is. so i have had to enlist another birthing partner which im starting to think is a good idea if that is his attitude.

really hope your baby comes soon as you are having such a hard time now, but dont think it will be long now chick :wink:
Sory your man is being a pig Sarah :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think James is on his way and he doesnt have to be fully engaged for labour to start.

Hope your feeling better :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:x :x :x at your OH...men seem to think it's dead easy..I wish they could experience it for a day!!!

I hope your little nemo comes soon...it certainly sounds like it won't be long!! :cheer: :cheer:

Have a good rest, glad you are keeping smiling! :D
You seem such a positive girl Tilly even when things are not going so good you always manage to look at positive side! Good for you not letting your OH get you down :hug: think i'm past caring now with mine :fib: anyways hope your little man does make an appearance before wk end :D xx
hope MW is right and your LO makes an appearance before the weekend, you need you feet back at least!!
Im still smiling girls :D I had a bit of a nap and feel much better :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Its so boring laying down all day though!!!
hi hun

i think/ hope you and me are gona pop at weekend, like i said 3rd may is my originial due date and like you bub is almost stopping me for peeing and pushing on my bum, i have started to loose plug and getting wicked braxtons hicks

dont think it will be long for either of us hun, try and keep smiling. we will both have our babies soon and be totally smitten

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