Tia is really poorly (too much sleep?)


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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:wave: hi ladies

As some of you know My little princess has been really poorly for almost a week

It started with a double eye infection last weekend after shed been swimming, both eyes were really bad and were almost swollen shut, so much so that she could hardly see to eat

I took her to the docs Last monday and got her drops and the difference was remarkeable so much so that we were still able to go to the meet on tuesday.

She had a bit of a runny nose at the meet which i presumed was down to teething as she seemed really happy in herself but when we got home she went downhill really rapidly :cry: :cry:

She could not stop coughing and all she did was cry all night, at one point she could hardly breath (sounded like whooping cough) then she just flaked out and cried in her sleep on and off for hours

She steadily got worse over the following day so went to docs again, and he checked her over and said it was a virus of which had i of known we would of NEVER gone to the meet :cry: and to keep her going on calpol

She stopped eating and would only have sips of water every 2 0r 3 hours, getting calpol into her was near on impossible cos all she would do was sick it up

Saturday evening she got so bad she was rasping and going purple so we rushed her to a and e at 3 in the morning :cry: :cry: it turned out she had a really rotten nasty chest infection so now we have yet more medicine :wall: :cry:

She slept through last night for the first time in over a week :cry: got up at 9 had a bottle and a couple of spoons of weetabix and she seemed quite perky. she had a bath at 10 and went down and she hasnt yet woke up :( :( ive been up and down the stairs 100's of times to check on her but the fact she is sleeping so much is worrying me

Out of the last 18 hours shes been asleep 16 and half of them :cry: :cry:

Do you think as she has been so poorly for so long she is just recovering? My 2 eldest have never been this ill for this long so i dont really know whats right for them when theyre ill, sorry if i seem thick but it just seems a little too much :cry: I wanna go wake her and make sure shes ok but then she hasnt really slept properly for a week so maybe shes just catching up?

Just wondered what you ladies think, many thanks in advance,

Love kaye and tia.xx
I have no advice sorry but just wanted to give you these for you and your lil princess
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Poor little Tia.
If you're worried Kay, I'd take her back to your doctor. Better safe than sorry. It sounds like she's just sleeping to recover though but if you see your GP they'll put your mind at rest. x
you might find the meds make her sleep more (calpol knocks alice out!).

no harm in popping back to your docs to check though.

poor little princess :hug:
Poor Tia, there really seems to be a virus doing the rounds just now. Soph has been sleeping lots since she's been ill too, probably just takes it out of them with their wee bodies fighting against the virus, they need more sleep?

Hope she's feeling better soon Kay :hug:
No real advice (sorry hun :hug: ) I just think, if I am ill then generally I wanna sleep it off, maybe it is the same, and as Sam said it could be the meds making her sleepy, I gave Libby some Calpol at 5.30 as she was crying in pain (teeth I think) and she's spark out now :sleep:
The body heals itself in sleep so I wouldn't worry, i would be tempted to let her lead the way, and ring NHS direct if you are really worried.
Hope she is back to her wonderful self very soon for you :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

bless her, shes probably catching up on her sleep being poorly is very tiring. as long as she is drinking enough and having wet nappies so not dehydrated all should be well.
Oh poor little cherub, and poor mummy, heres huggles for you both :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

How is she this evening???

I know Ruby sleeps alot, and more so when she is feeling yuck with her teeth... xxxxxxxxxxx
morning ladies :wave:

Thankyou all for your kind words :hug:

My little princess is finally turning a corner i hope :pray:

Her eyes are now clear which is excellent cos she didnt look like my little girl if you know what i mean :cry:

Her nose at the moment is drip free and she slept like a log again last night, so far this morning she has played with her roll arounds and ate nearly all her porridge :cheer: :cheer:

She still has a terrible nasty hacking cough which is awful to watch and listen too makes me cry cos i cant do anymore for her except lots of mummy snuggles.

She is very very weak and wobbly though and super clingy too but thats to be expected, at least she managed a smile for mummy :D :hug:

her nappies are a bit dry so im plying her with plenty of water to keep her fluids up as the antibiotics have given her the chronic squits :cry: :puke:

Thanks for all your lovely replies, its cheered me up after one hell of a week i dont wanna go through again :hug: :hug:
Glad Tia's feelinh better, takes it out of you too doesn't it :hug:
It certainly does take it out of you, it was like having a newborn all over again ie, sleepless nights and not being able to put them down.

Shes been overdoing it today cos its nowhere near bed time and shes exhausted already :hug:

Thanks for your lovely well wishes ladies, have passed all the hugs and kisses onto my little princess :hug:

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