proper poorly :( :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
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connor's been really poorly for the first time - its horrible :cry: :cry:

he was a grouch yesterday, but i just though he was tired (even though he slept lots on saturday too - unusual in itself). we had a long drive last night and he slept in the car, then went to bed when we got home.

but he woke at 2.20am crying - i just assumed he wanted feeding and stuck him on a boob whilst half asleep. but 25 mins later he was crying again and he'd started to really burn up; the underarm thermometer (which usually underestimates) read 40.4 :shock: :(

we gave him ibuprofen immediately, stripped him, gave him a cool bath - all while he was screaming - and he then fed for over 2 hours. we spoke to the out of hours gp who just said to keep doing what we were doing but to go to hospital if we couldn't keep his temperature down. calpol and boob brought him back down to normal and we finally went to bed at 6.30am - i'm still in my pyjamas now :bored:

he had another calpol dose at midday cos his temperature had crept back up again to over 38. he didn't poo yesterday, which is unusual, but he's had 3 today - 1 normal one this morning, 1 nappy explosion at lunchtime, and diarrhoea just now. i called the docs for a telephone consultation but they haven't called me back yet... i can't see that they'd tell me to do anything different though :think: he ate lots of brunch (huge bowl of porridge and a slice of toast) and seems chirpy enough at the moment... he's having boob whenever he wants (which is a lot) and his temperature is virtually normal now.

it was awful seeing him so distressed last night. i hope whatever it is is going away now :( :( :(
Big hugs to you and Connor...hope he is ok! its so scary when they burn up quick like that!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
sounds like leland last week ! its scared me too death that i couldnt get his temp down ! hope he gets better soon , its good his temp comes down to normal , we only ended up in hossy cos i couldnt get his down.
that's what we had last week too, scary isnt it when they are so hot and nothing you do makes them feel better.

Hope he's better :hug: :hug:
poor soul.. I hope he's better today... You doing everything right atm...boob juice will keep him hydrated if he is feeding loads. He probably had a virus and the diarrhoea is probably his body's way of processing the virus through his system.
thanks guys :hug: :hug: :hug: he was ok but v clingy yesterday, then his temp started going up again last night. he had calpol before bed, then more at 4am cos it had risen to above 39 again. i spent most of the night being mummy dummy and we both properly went to sleep after OH left this morning at 7.30am - we've only just woken up! :cheer: connor's much happier so hopefully getting that good sleep has helped lots.

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