argumant last night :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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me and my OH had a little argumant last night about things that happened in the past, suppose it was my fault as he's away at the weekend at his cousins wedding with his brother and sister in law (who hate me and would love to see us split up) and i felt a little insecure and made a comment about him having a double room!

The thing is he said during it 'well if you dont like it you know where the door is' its his house and i moved back in a while ago (we were married split up and then got back together after 2 years) now i feel really vulnerable if he did kick us out id have to find somewhere to live with my 2 kids and baby on the way, and dont think id cope, id have to give up work due to child care costs.

i know im probably over thinking things but its been going round my head all night, were fine now after the argument we had a cuddle.

sorry to moan on i suppose its just my hormones and the fact im all emotional x x
Not sure what to say but didn't want to read and run, also thought you might like a hug :hug:
its never a good thing to dredge up old wounds as the outcome usually never makes the old wound any better. What your OH said really was out of order. Maybe later this evening you should try to talk to him about it but start off by saying that you are feeling emotional and not after a row but that its been playing on your mind.

It sounds to me like he has said it on the heat of the moment but when things like this have been said out loud it is impossible to take them back.

A wee chat and another cuddle will hopefully sort it out x
I would put it down to hormones hun... glad you made up with him though. xxx

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