ARGH!!! The Stress!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Im so stressed at the moment and its all down to my ex boss!! I am owed wages from when I worked and shes being really funny about the whole thing and saying she wont pay me til the end of this month even though this money is owed to me from May June and September!!! I didn't get paid when I left as I had to go to hospital and then was to ill to even leave my house for weeks. My mum ended up calling her because its stressing me out so much and she has blatantly lied to her telling me to email her accountant who is out of the country-yet I just called he's office and he is not out of the country!!!! And to top it all off I haven't had a single penny off the ESA (which I was getting due to the hyperemesis and not being able to work) due to them having a different address to where I live, closing the claim, opening the claim! Basically all the error has been on their side yet I am the one suffering but not having any money! My bank account is now running dangerously low and I have rent to pay next week! The whole thing is really getting me down I'm beyond stressed! ...........Rant Over :mad:
Awww hun :hug:. Do you know any solicitors who can write to her without costing you the earth? Quite often this is enough to stop people fecking around. Failing that tell her there's a few hundred hormonal women that would like a word :slap: xxxxxxxxx
Not really its an awkward situation and shes an awkward woman. She has no idea how to properly run a business and is constantly passing the buck over to someone else (which is something I noticed she did while I was working with her). I just want my money and then to have nothing to do with her ever again! :(
may i ask - were you paid by bank giro, did you have a contract, what was your job, how long had you been there?

There are methods of dealing with prats like her - sod teh fact she is awkward, use the laws that protect you. She is either strugling financially or being a bitch !!

as for the esa - i have had a multitude of issues with them too - try and speak to a manager they had mine sorted in 5 minutes once i was trhough!xx
Ring up Acas, they will help you sort it :)
They sorted my OH's wages out when the company he worked for underpaid him. x
Can't really offer you any legal advice but i can offer you a good bitch and moan...what a cow! As if you need the stress of this when you're pregnant. Any decent boss would ensure that you get YOUR money on time or as soon as possible. She sounds incompetent and inconsiderate. Is there a higher boss you can take it to? Or a HR department?

My OH has had several problems with his boss who is also a nightmare. He never gets his expenses paid on time yet is expected to pay for his travel all over the place at short notice. Sometimes it can be awkwardness, sometimes they're on a power trip, sometimes they're just shit at their job. But the fact remains that you shouldn't have this added worry on top of your pregnancy. Wouldn't hurt to remind her that you're stressed, vulnerable and may have to take this further if she doesn't cough up. Good luck xxx
It was a 3 month contract and I got my money via cheque. I have been emailing her today and now she is saying that I am being disrespectful and horrible and if i carry on she will get the police involved!! I'm no angel but never have I been rude or disrespectful to her in anyway shape or form (even though I have a few words in mind to say to her!!) I have kept it very professional and dignified! Not to mention its hard to understand anything she writes as she is foreign and doesn't write in English so well! And I think your right keepontrying I think she is struggling financially but thats not my problem I worked what I was supposed to work so I should get the money owed to me. If she can't afford it then she shouldn't have given me the job in the first place! Even when I was working there I never got paid on time!

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