So im cd28 today. Periods were 26-28 days apart from last two cycles (36 and 35 days) so I've used ovulation sticks for the first month and got a clear positive cd21 830pm which stayed positive into cd22 and faded by that evening and was neg cd23. Anyway, I've just wiping and I've got pink discharge/ blood!
Seriously confused if this is my period stating as technically I'm 6 or 7dpo according to ov sticks - how reliable are they?! I was assuming my cycles were now 35 days which would be in keeping with ov cd 21/22! Hoping it's implantation bleeding - I've not got cramps. Didn't have implantation bleeding with my son so I'm baffled what it's like!!
Seriously confused if this is my period stating as technically I'm 6 or 7dpo according to ov sticks - how reliable are they?! I was assuming my cycles were now 35 days which would be in keeping with ov cd 21/22! Hoping it's implantation bleeding - I've not got cramps. Didn't have implantation bleeding with my son so I'm baffled what it's like!!