Implantation info...?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2005
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ok, so I've usually got a 27 day cycle, I OVd at day 13 and I'm now on day 23 so 10 dpo and today I have brown discharge when I wipe, a fair amount mind you but not enough to go onto a towel (sorry for TMI). Now the last two AFs since I M/C I've had spotting 2 days before AF turned up but not this amount and that would still mean me being 3 days early having OVd on day 13 (I used tests so I know when it was)

So- what do you think the chance are of it being implatation? How much bleeding/discharge can you have with it? With Mel it happened 10 dpo so much that I thought it was all over for the month and drank half a bottle of wine which then worried me for the rest of my pregnancy but with my last pregnancy I had no implantation at all.

Then again just because my last two cycles have been very regular perhaps this one isn't and it's just an early AF?

I didn't want to symptom spot but I can't ignore this one!

I guess it's way too early to test yes? I'm due in 4 days time...

10 dpo is about normal for an implantation and although I've never had one myself it does sound a lot like what some girls have described as an implantion bleed

Unfortunately the only way your going to know for definate is to leave it for a few days and see if does turn into AF or stops and you can take a test.

It's looking good so far though

certainly sounds right for implantation hun, sooo excited for you i have everything crossed that this is your BFP

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
I had an IB with my son. If it is an IB it should only last for a day or so. You shouldn't get days of spotting with an IB.

Fingers crossed for you hun :D
Thanks for the replies. I still don't know what to think. It's got kind of pinker and watery as the day has gone on which initially I thought meant AF was just about to turn up but it's not really red and it's more watery is the only way I can describe it. Hmm. I have got mild cramps too which I guess isn't a good sign? Oh I don't know! Part of me is thinking "it's all over for this month go and have a double whiskey to commiserate " and the other is thinking "this could be a good sign"!

hi hun....oh i really hope it is IB!!!
Come on xmas BFP for both of us!!!
It would be great wouldn't it?!

Here's hoping :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

you will find out before me so you better pass the BFP fairy my way!!! im due AF xmas day lol
Bah humbug. No BFP fairy on my Xmas tree I'm afraid. AF started proper last night. Phooey!'s to 2008!

booo hisss to the evil witch :evil:

sorry she got you hunni.... make sure you have that double whisky to comiserate :hug: :hug:
grrr damn AF!!! well if she visits me i will definatly send her yout wway you can be certain of that!!!!

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