Argh headaches are doing my head in (quite literally)....


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Does anyone else seem to be suffering with headaches?

I never really had any problems before being pg but at the min i seem to get them every other day.

I drink loads of water throughout the day so its not down to lack of fluids.

I went to Boots other day and asked the pharmacist what i could take and he said nothing :shock:

I'm at midwife on Monday so i'll be mentioning it to her then but just wanted to know if anyone else having this problem.


:hug: xxxxxxxxxx
I got them all the time in 1st tri but I'm not getting them quite as often now.

I asked my MW about them and she said if they get really bad to have paracetamol as these are fine in pregnancy but if you don't want to take tablets then you can use that 4head stick thing or those heat/cool pad things that you put on your forehead too.
Thanks Chrissy

They feel like tight tension headaches, really awful.

I'm trying not to take paracetamol and when i took that 4 head stick to the counter in Boots and the women there was reading the box (it didn't say i couldn't use it on the box) but she shook her head and said it doesn't say you cant but i wouldn't just to be on the safe side :wall:

Think i'll have a look tomorrow for some of those heat/cool pads though.

Thanks again hun :hug:
I'm exactly the same glittergirl, seems to be every other day I'm plagued by one. No amount of fluid seems to make a difference - sleep seems to be the only thing that makes it go away!
Peanut your right, only sleep does it.

Me and OH went out 1 day last week and i was suffering with a headache, soon as i got in i crawled into my bed for a couple of hours and slept solid and it wasn't as bad when i woke. All i seem to have done since March is sleep lol :rotfl:

Thanks for the hugs Sarah i need them today. :hug:

Sorry, no advice but just wanted to say I hope you feel better soon :hug:
Hiya, I'm suffering from headaches too. I seem to get them every other day and they make me feel so drained. I had one today at work, and I was sooo busy too so it just felt worse. It did get better after some food though and I picked up during the afternoon (was still mad busy tho).
glittergirl said:
Peanut your right, only sleep does it.

Me and OH went out 1 day last week and i was suffering with a headache, soon as i got in i crawled into my bed for a couple of hours and slept solid and it wasn't as bad when i woke.

You sound just like me hun, we were away for the day and I snuck back to the car while OH was browsing round the shops and had a half hour snooze on the back seat as I knew it would ease it a bit. If I didn't it would just keep getting worse and I'd be a right grump for the rest of the day!

So glad to hear it's not just me! Hoping it goes away soon as it's really affecting this 'blooming' we're waiting for! S xxx
I started getting them all of a sudden. Had mw out for blood pressure, blood test, wee tests etc as she thought it was pre-eclampsia. Went to opticians as thought it was that. Turns out I'm having headaches as I'm over tired and have SPD so not sleeping well.

She told me I'm pregnant and need to rest more as I was active all day.

Now I'm signed off work and waking up when I feel then need instead of with the alarm clock It seems to have cured them.

:sleep: get more sleep
For tension headaches which I have had also, have you tried hot oil massage in your hair/head? If your OH can do it for you - just rubbing in oil and giving you a soft head/neck massage it should help you relax.

If you wear glasses maybe its time to have eyes tested? My numbers changed since I became pregnant

If you work on the computer quite a bit then try to take breaks often, same with TV box etc...

Indian head massage or shoulder/neck massage?

Hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug:
Oh yak everyda yi wake up with a headache! Most days a Migraine! Its is doing my head in seriously! Even if I do take paracetamol, when its a migraine it wont even touch it so I dont bother! All I can do is sleep too!
Mind you I get them all the time anyways! I just cant use my normal tablets for them while pregnant! They have got even worse though!
Aww hun know exactly how you feel they're not as bad as they were but got awful migranes and headaches earlier on and like you only thing that really shifted them was a good sleep! I am still getting the odd few I work infront of a computer so that doesnt help, I use forehead if theyre not too bad and cooling strips they often help keep up with the fluids and try to get plenty of sleep if I get too tired I get them really bad they will get less often soon! :hug: :hug:

My wife has had them all the time - had a really bad migraine yesterday, and the doc said it was ok to have a couple of paracetomol. On holiday for two weeks from tomorrow, which hopefully will help - a bit of relaxation, lots of sleep.

Really hope you start to feel better soon - you will get there!!
babe i am exactly the same, since about 11weeks i've been suffering from these head aches, i found a thing online about pressure points, it does work sometimes, not all.. you hold the bit in between your thumb and finger (squeeze) it hold for 10secs, and keep repeating it.

but apart from that, paracetamol dont work, nor water, anything..

i even had my eyes tested, and there fine..

try masarging your head.. it does help slightly.. and if you work behind a computer like me.. give yourself lots of iccle breaks..

hope your ok hun, i know how u feel believe me xxxxxxx
i probably get a headache thats really bad every2 months

under non- pregnant conditions i take a nurofen and im sorted!
since im pregnant and especially as i had a mc i really prefer to take nothing, tho i think as others have said paracetomol is safe esp after first tri

if i cant take anything the headaches get worse and im usually sick and like u only sleeping sorts it, im lucky (in a way) that it makes me sick coz then i just get sent home from work!! otherwise i dont think just moaning would do it. i actually got one last week and was sick at work (sorry tmi) but then i was sent home after suffering for ages and went to bed and woke up like a new person!!

hope it gets better soon xx
i had extremely bad headaches in first tri and also had them really bad the other week when i was off work for a week - i dont get headaches, pre pregnancy, so they are awful, got them back again grrr, today been going dizzy and headache continously! suppose its something we just have to put up with hun :hug:
Thanks girls.

Wow a lot of suffering with these horrible headaches then :shock: Thought it was just me.

I went into Boots at lunchtime today (different one from other day) and seen those 4 Head Quickstrips which are for headaches and migraines. It says on the leaflet 'Suitable in Pregnancy' so i got me a couple of packs of those. On offer in Boots at the min too, 2 packs for £7.48.

Going to be trying one tonight as i've had headache again today (although nowhere near as bad as yesterday!!

I'll let you know if they were any good next week.

Hope everyones ok and have a fab weekend :hug: xxxxx
God Im glad I found this post..

I never had headaches before but now...OUCH!!! :wall:

Im prolly getting these as I didnt suffer from morning sickness, so I had to suffer somehow :roll:

Only sleeping works..but if I get any more sleep I'll officially be declared In A Coma! :roll:

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