Argh! First gp appointment pointless.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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Ok so i got up at the crack of dawn this morning to go to the doctors to get assigned my midwife etc.

I get there and i show the doctor my EPU scan info... he looks at it and says whats this.... i explain everything to him and said... "what do you want me to do?" How Rude! I said... I have been told you need to assign me a midwife." "Oh well i don't really know much about this..... take it to reception and they will sort it out for you." so i go to reception and they say... oh you need to make an appointment to see a doctor as we can't refer you. I explain i have just had a doctors appointment and they said to come here....she said " well you need to make another appointment!" I asked if i could speak to someone now as it isnt easy for me to get time of work at late notice. She said they arent any appointments available for another week! (next Fri)

I just walked out. Was so annoyed i have gotten up really early for no reason at all in the pouring rain to be told i ahve to make another appointment. :mad:
That is so frustrating! I think I would have said, well in that case I'm going back in to see the doctor that has just told me to come and see you! On the other hand I bet there was someone else in by then. Hope you get a better doctor next time hun! x
That is absolutely disgusting!
I would call them, tell them how you have been treated and ask to speak to the clinic manager immediately!
Thats terrible!! U dont need that when start of a pregnancy with hormones all over the place!!! xxx :hug:
thats horrid i would have walked back in to see that twat of a GP babe, sorry you had a crap app xx
haha all your messages cheered me up! :D I called them back and complained and then someone called me back and said everything was sorted. haha Shows what hormonal and complaining pregnant woman can do!

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