Argghh, my cycle is totally messed up


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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I thought AF was due on Friday and although i had a bit of cramping, nothing yet so am now 2 days overdue. (did a test sat morn - bfn)

Thing is i'm really confused now when AF is due :wall:

I was meant to ovulate around day 14, i had cm so we bd around then even though i was really ill with the flu.
Then i went away on business but was still experiencing cm 10 days after i first saw it :shock:
I have read that illness and travelling can affect ovulation and with seeing cm for 10 days i have no idea when i ovulated so now have no idea when AF is due?!? :evil:

Grrr, this baby making business is sooo frustrating.
Morning Bexter,

Sorry to here how frustrated you are. I travelled this month for a week and didn't ovulate untill day 21! Maybe you're right and that is what's messed you around. It is all very frustrating isn't it? I'm supposed to be on my two week wait but FF seems to think I should delay testing until Christmas day!! Yeah right! There's no way I can wait that long, I'm doing one on fri/sat as I have a big bash Sat night and need to know if I can drink.

Are you using Fertility Friend? Have I asked you that before?

Hi Becs, ooh good luck with Friday then. Really hope you get a bfp :pray: :hug:

Thing is before i was on the pill (many moons ago), if i travelled i don't remeber it messing up my cycle. I was always bang on my due date.

No, not using FF. I have looked into it but it looks so complicated!

If i don't get a bfp this month, think i'm just going to chill out and not worry about when ovulation is and let nature take its course.
I'm just so fed up of constantly thinking about ovulation, cm and pregnancy...and i've only been ttc for 3 months!
I have to admitt that does sound like a much more chilled out way to concieve. Are yuo going to test again? It could have been a false negative.
Becs said:
Are yuo going to test again? It could have been a false negative.

Well if AF hasn't come by wednesday, then i will probably test again.
Knowing my luck she will turn up on Tuesday lol :evil:
Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toes too :)
Hey Bexter & Becs ..

Just thought I would pop in quickly ... ! I'm on a break this month ... no charting .... no OPKs and no official TTCing ... and it's MARVELLOUS!! I'm so much more relaxed! My cycles got messed up too recently Bex .... so I reached my stress limit and stopped TTC (just for this month) .. .and it was the best decision I've made for a while! Feel so much better ....

I've been TTC since Feb'06 .. so it's been quite a while .. and it's good to have a break. Stress and tiredness play a big part in regular cycles I think Bex .. so maybe let yourself off for a month and see if your cycles will settle back down (that's what I'm hoping will happen for me! My last cycle was 40 days!! :shock: ). As I was charting and OPKing I knew I hadn't ov'd til CD28 .. so knew when AF was due which really helped to take false hope that I was overdue away!

Anyway .. I've been waffling!!! GOOD LUCK to you both ... look after yourselves, and have a great xmas!! :hug: (that was a Group Rebecca Hug) Talk in the new year ... hopefully to announce our BFPs!

Baby dust headed your way....

Was so pleased to see your name pop up as I know you are having a month off. Really pleased it is working out for you :D You sound so relaxed which is just how you should be at this time of year :dance:

Look forward to catching up in the new year :dance:

Baby dust and best wishes xx
Hey Bec, thanks for the advice. It's obviously working for you as you sound really chilled!

Merry Christmas and Good Luck. :hug:

Speak in the New Year. xx
Bec- glad you are chilled out- nice to hear from you again!

Becs and Bexter- hope things go well over the next few days :hug:

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