Are you TTC? - Do you lie?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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What do you say to people if they ask if you are TTC? Do you lie or tell them the truth?

I lie :fib::fib: I told a few people when we started TTC but every time I saw them after that they asked if I was PG yet and it was and still is a NO!!!!!!

I feel awful not telling the truth and if I ever do get PG then I'll be caught out. :shakehead:
I haven't told anyone, and not planning to. I don't want the constant questions and then it will be a nice surprise when we get our bfp x
I haven't told anyone, and not planning to. I don't want the constant questions and then it will be a nice surprise when we get our bfp x

I guess when you already have 4 LOs you don't get asked that question very often. It's probably easier to keep it quiet. Am I right?
Hey hun,

well mine and OH's family found out we were TTC when i had MMC, but before that i used to fib when they asked me, much prefered it when they didnt know as i feel they analyse everything, like if i say no to a glass of wine or say i'm feeling tired, they are like 'oooh are you pregnant?' grr, :mad:

As for friends, my two best friends know as they know about my MMC and have been fantastic support they dont ask me and wait till i bring up the subject incase i dont feel like talking about it.

When my other friends ask me i just say "oh maybe sometime in the future" and "when the time is right we will"
I have told people that we are TTC but since the M/C i might play it down abit so when i do get PG again it will be more of a surprise x
I haven't told anyone, and not planning to. I don't want the constant questions and then it will be a nice surprise when we get our bfp x

I guess when you already have 4 LOs you don't get asked that question very often. It's probably easier to keep it quiet. Am I right?

Yeah, you are right, people would probably be shocked if they found out we were ttc, although my quest for a girl is well known xx
We weren't actively trying but not preventing. My friends knew I had problems with Pcos so they don't really ask, it's just mine and o/h's parents really but if someone asked I'd tell :)
To be honest not many people ask but we told both mine and oh's family a couple of weeks ago and they are over the moon that we are ttc. Its not the kind of thing i would want everyone to know about anyway as once you tell friends etc that your ttc thats when all the questions start lol....... Amy xx
Im not hiding we are trying to concieve, would be kind of hard as because i was over 12 weeks when i had my mmc, everyone seen my scan and everyone who knows me properly know I dont give up no matter what life throws at me x x

Been lying for nearly 20 years!!!

Most family/friends think I would come out in a rash if a baby was too close to me!

Kinda hides the heartbreak of knowing you could never have them..........

BUT although we now know that it probably is possible I do not want to let many people know we are actively TTC. My best friend knows, as does my incredibly understanding boss as she also went through a MMC before concieving last year.

OH accidentally let slip I was in hospital to his Dad..........and then confessed. Now at 84 he's incredibly excited that he may be a Grandad again, I soooo don't want him to be disapointed and I know it's horrid, but I'd rather he didn't know.

Seriously though as and when it happens (FX) there will be alot of people that will be seriously shocked!!!
I've told a few people and wish I hadn't. They can't help but ask, but it's my own fault for saying! I'm thinking next time they ask of lying and just saying that we've decided to put it off for a while. My advice would be not to tell too many people.X
We havent told anyone. What gets me is people telling me I should get a move on, chilsren are great etc. Its a pity some people just take it for granted that women can get pregnant whenever they want and the fact I havent had a baby yet is my decision :-(
I told a few people who were enquiring why I wasn't signing up to do my usual (time-consuming and physically-exerting) hobby this year that I was hoping to have a baby, but I've been dissembling when other people bring it in conversation so far (to date I have been lucky most people won't ask, probably as I work in a male-dominated industry and have only just got married)... but since when has it been ok for other people to enquire about your sex life anyway?!
I lied when we were trying with Sam because we were told we'd probably need IVF, and I didn't want people asking if I was pregnant all the time when I was feeling like it was never going to happen naturally...if people asked I did tell them that we were NTNP though. A couple of people who knew we wanted another have asked recently and I have told them that we're trying though - now that I'm at home with the kids and not seeing the same people all the time I don't mind people knowing as I know I won't get asked all the time! And I've got a good friend who I know will put up with me texting her photos of almost invisible lines on tests when I get them :lol:
I have only told my sister because she always asks me if id like to try again and not to give up. It kinda just slipped out. But if anyone else asks id just say mabey one day :fib:... I guess im afraid people would think its too soon after loosing my baby boy. But me & OH have decided that if i do fall pregnant that were not telling anyone, well maybe close family until im a few months gone and starting to show.
i have told ppl and wish i hadnt --loads ppl say ohh newly married you must be ttc i said no for ages and then i got really upset at work (im a nurse) as 4 days late and then had AF, so 1 person knew and it spread like wildfire!! nurses do gossip - now 3 ppl are pg here too makes things even worse but ive told a few ppl we are putting it off for a bit cos things not right so ppl have at least stopped asking me now! ive been very withdrawn the last few wks since a massive row with hubby - no1 knows about the row execpt 3 (my boss, bestfriend and very close friend i work with) and they know not to say anything but ppl are now asking why im so quite as usually bubbly and loud so i say dont want to talk about it and things are kept personal!! i think i need to be more careful what my big mouth says but am keeping it quiet now saves the heartache x x
we have told no-one and dont plan to until we have to! :lol:... i prefer it that way so i don't have to answer the awkward questions! :dust:
We have kept it a secret that we're trying, I've told a close friend but apart from her and my consultant and the rest of my medical team nobody else knows.
I think everyone will be really shocked once they know. Once I've got my BFP and had my 12 week scan then will be telling them, apart from my mum who i'll be telling as soon as I get my BFP
Nope, not telling anyone. We didn't with No#1 either.

Doesn't stop people asking "when is he going to have a little brother or sister" all the time though.... so bloody nosy. I'd never ask anyone that!
I get asked all the time "when are you having another 1?" My standard response is at some point yes. Everytime something comes up for work I get asked if I will be pregnant by then so I say I'd never say never.

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