An Early Goodbye...

ive got her contact details so ill keep yous posted if i hear anything if none else has her details :D
gd luck huni speak soon

cant w8 for lil harry 2 b here

love lou, ian n keryn xxx
Good luck!! Looking forward to your announcement soon! Enjoy your last night of freedom :D
good luck for tomorrow hope all goes well xx
Thankyou very much for the congrats mica, good luck!!!!! i hope everything goes well for you, my birth was also induced (cause of the meconium) and its not that bad at all so dont worry :D you will have you're little one with you soon too!!!!

good luck and am really looking forward to coming on the forum to the announcement of you're baby been born!!!

cas xxxxx
Good luck for today PP. Even though you are not here to read this, just to let you know that we are all thinking of you and sending loads of positive vibes!!

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