Are you left or right handed?

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Completely random poll.
Left handed people are supposed to be a minority so I was wondering if this was true of PF ladies!

I have also included an ambidextrous option for the true smart ar*es out there but only tick that option if you truely do not favour a side - i.e. can write exactly the same with both hands.

Im left handed. Play guitar, hockey and pool with my right hand but use my left more than my right..
I'm right handed, but I can snap my fingers better on my left hand and clap with left hand on right palm. This doesn't make me ambidextrous, though.

I've always had this fascination with people who write with their left hand. I suppose this stems from when I was younger and one of my teachers made us try to learn to write with the hand we don't normally write with.
I'm righthanded for writing, but I favour my left for lots of other things that many do right handed. Odd but true.
Im a lefty - but not cack handed and hold stuff the way you rightys do. :D
i am right handed and so id malc and kieron but hannah is left handed
I'm left handed and so is OH, so wonder if Cara will too. My mum and OH's bro and dad are as well. I realyl HATE things like left-handed scissors though, have no problem using the normal ones lol
I am completely right handed - cannot do much with my left hand!!!
im right handed, DH is left handed but uses right handedness to eat and aparently i use my left to eat but i can never tell which is left and right when eating with a knife and folk? :| haha
Rightie here!

Though OH says I'm a spanner cos I always use my left hand to open bottles and jars etc and really struggle...
Im right handed but like debecca i use my left hand to open jars :)
Im right handed too but use my left to open jars and bottles etc!
In fact I use my left hand to do most things except write?
My son Dillon is ambidextrous though! He seemed to be left handed, then right handed, now he will use either lol!

Oh and my sister, aunt and BIL are left handed!
I'm left handed but use my right hand to open jars, play tennis, pool, use scissors, anything but write really.
I'm also right footed.
I'm right handed but use my left to open bottles/jars etc :D

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