Are you left or right handed?

i'm a lefty!!

I eat right handed, play pool right handed, but can only right left handed and do fiddly stuff like sow left handed.

Baby dady is right handed and i reckon baby will be too, my parents are both right handed
Im left handed and eat right handed and my dad is right handed and eats left handed :doh: :rotfl:
I am right handed. I love left handed people. there's something cool about being left handed!!! :D
im right handed, OH is right handed also but i think willow will be left handed.
I'm a righty, but apparently hold my knife and fork like a lefty :|
I'm right handed... although I can write reasonably well with my left hand, but thats only because I shattered my right wrist as a kid and had to still write at school :roll: Its called practice... but I am right handed and right eye dominant. :D
Im right handed but eat left handed used to get told off for it at primary school and made to eat the other way round but struggled so stopped having cooked school dinners :lol:
I'm a righty. My brother tended to favour his left hand so my mum MADE him start using his right... she didn't want him to be 'weird' :roll:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Right handed.

My left hand is almost useless. I don't do much with it at all....maybe give myself a little scratch or move my hair out of my face, but that's about it.

I would be lost without it.
I'm right handed, write with my right (you have no idea how long it took me to work out that sentance - mummy brain!!)

But if I have to open a jar or anything I use my left as I seem to have more power in my left hand!

Im a smart arse too. left writting, right handed with scissors/tennis/etc.
Another leftie here!

Apparently, the fool proof way to tell is which leg you put into your trousers first which does work for me. The other way is which hand you use to wipe your bum - but thats not applicable to me :oops:

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