Are you hot or cold?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2011
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Hi all,

When I was TTC I read that pregnant womens body temperature goes up and many women feel hot as a result. I'm the exact opposite, chilly and shivering quite a lot. I think it's ok because I don't have the hot fever too, so doesn't sound like an infection. My theory is that my blood is flowing to my baby and not keeping me as warm as usual.

Is anyone else cold instead of being hot?

I am hotter than usual but prob not the best comparison cos of not knowing if I have mc or not
I am hot then cold lol then when I put something on I get hot again I can not win lol got to love being pregnant.
I'm def hotter than usual but feel the cold a lot quicker x
Both! lol. I'm always cold anyway so not sure if i'm feeling it more but get hot flushes too where I just have to go and stand somewhere cooler. I think its my body spending all its energy cooking bean so theres none spare to regulate my temperature.
Im both too, if im hot im roasting, if im cold im freezing, there doesnt seem to be an inbetween at the moment! x x

Both! lol. I'm always cold anyway so not sure if i'm feeling it more but get hot flushes too where I just have to go and stand somewhere cooler. I think its my body spending all its energy cooking bean so theres none spare to regulate my temperature.

That's my theory too. Doesn't help that my work have decided that summer is here and hve put the air con onto freezing - sat at my desk in my coat and scarf!!
hey Vexcited,
I read before with my first pregnancy only old wives tales that if your feeling colder its signs of a boy and if your hotter signs of a girl, but this only refers to the early stages. I was colder last time and it was a boy, this is probably coincedence, but is some reason to why you may be colder?? hope your well xx
oww babyA how exciting...I hope all goes well and I get to find out if that is true :) xx
Both! lol. I'm always cold anyway so not sure if i'm feeling it more but get hot flushes too where I just have to go and stand somewhere cooler. I think its my body spending all its energy cooking bean so theres none spare to regulate my temperature.

That's my theory too. Doesn't help that my work have decided that summer is here and hve put the air con onto freezing - sat at my desk in my coat and scarf!!

Your office sounds very much like mine hunny, a battle of heaters and air con! x x

Im roasting all the time, but i dont think work helps. Bloody running around allday x x

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