Are you going back to work?

I go back next week for 12 hours, I dont want to really as dont want to miss anything but grandparents are having him so dont have to pay so lucky in that respect. My DH earns a good wage and we would prob manage but only just as have alot of outgoings and even the little I will earn will help and TBH it will prob do me good to go back for a bit of adult conversation :)
Hello fellow mummies!
I am new so HELLO!! I am going back to work in couple of months and was wondering if you knew of best place to find a nanny? my friend found hers on Tendea but does anyone else have any other suggestions? im really worried about finding someone suitable. thanks!! rosie x
Hey rosiemum, there's a website called . It's really good and we found our childminder throught but they have nannies babysitters wtc on as well. If that's not right just pm me.

I went back to uni after two weeks and Phil and I juggled childcare. At 3 months j went to nursery and now we both work out of the house ft. We could scrape by on phase wages maybe but with my wages it means we are doing really well. Our wtc pay for our childcare and so means come the weekend we can take Joshua out, we can spoil him at Xmas and each other and that's really nice for us as this will be the first year we our financially secure and means we can now start saving for joahuas future and open a savings account for also means that I have adult conversation that doesn't revolve around babies and I'm just known as me and not mummy....

I love our little life, i love knowing Joshua has more people around who loves him, he has time with other children, socialiasing with other adults, we can spoil him and not worry about if we can take him to petting zoos or buy him new clothes nd knowing Phil and I are insependant people. If we had the money from just Phil is still work....


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