Are you getting your 5 a day? Share my easy tip x


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2012
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If you're one of the unfortunate sufferers of morning sickness (or all day sickness) then you will know how hard it must be to face certain foods! I posted the same post in the First Trimester when I was in it, and just thought it was time to pass my tips on again!

Your 5 a day are any 5 portions of different fruits or vegetables.

The easiest way to get fruit into your diet, is to make smoothies!


- Choose any 5 different fruits
- Chop them up
- Put them in a blender
- Add half a pint of water
- Blend them up
- (Add a tiny bit of sugar if you're a sweet tooth like me!)
- Drink throughout the day!

These work brilliantly with toast for breakfast. It's healthy, energizing, and kick-starts your body.

You can do the same with milkshakes, just add milk instead of water!


Works the same way as the smoothies, just with vegetables!
My favorites were broccoli and cheese (grate the cheese first) and potato and leek.
Remember to add plenty water to create desired thickness, broccoli sludge is never nice!
Also add a tiny bit of salt.
You can also add any seasonings or herbs you wish to.

You can also mix and match, for example, have a 3 fruit smoothie for breakfast and a 2 vegetable soup for lunch!

I found the above ideas very easy and useful when there was nothing much I could face in the morning!

Hope this helps all of you, remember to keep giving baby plenty of nutrients! :)
I have the opposite problem! I can't eat anything else! Today I've had; grapes, raspberries, blackberries, apple, pear, banana, pineapple, dates, cucumber (a whole one!!), tomato, carrots (6!), broccoli, salad (mixed leaves and watercress), red pepper, beet root, onion, mango, apricot, cranberries and I'm just now having strawberries.

You should try and have at least 3 veg, and at least 2 fruit x
I am loving grapes at the moment yummy x
thnx for sharing ur tip i ate a full pinnapple the other day i had a sore tongue after lol ooppsss i love all fruits and veggies xx
Thanks for posting this mrsgrant think im going to try it :) xxx
Haha no problem!
I got up at 3am when I was 27 weeks and devoured a whole watermelon <3 :D
does a salad containing lettuce spring onions and onions and also 2-3 glasses of fruit juice count? xx
Yes and I forgot to specify, a portion is as much as you can grab in one hand :)
So a handful of cherry tomatoes for example is one portion :)

Fresh juice counts, should say on the front "1 of your 5 a day" :)
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then yes im deffo getting more than 5 a day lol xx
Lol when i read title I thought immediately of soup. Ive been eating maybe 5 portions of soup a week. It's so handy anyway and it's handy for bringing to work. I have had no probs with fruit, but sometimes the thought of a huge dinner :sick: xxx
yeah I cook full roasts, plate it up, then can't eat it!

It's wierd =[ x
yeah I cook full roasts, plate it up, then can't eat it!

It's wierd =[ x

thats me, even seeing the grease runnnig round the tray that holds the chicken is enough to put me off, so soup has been a lifesaver lol xx

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