just wanted to share this recipe


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2005
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as ruben LOVED it when i cooked it yesterday. it's just a simple beef casserole really, but was very tasty! he had some of it as finger food (i left some potato, carrot, broccoli and meat in bigger pieces/chip shaped, but still cooked it in the same pot just took them out before mashing) this made 4 ruben-sized portions :rotfl: but i suppose it depends how much your baby usually eats!

1 carrot, peeled and diced
1 potato, peeled and diced
4 broccoli florets
1 spring onion
100g beef
handful of frozen peas
handful of baby leaf spinach
1/2tsp dried thyme
100ml water (approx)

just add all the veg and meat to a small saucepan, add water till they are just covered, and add the thyme. cook for about 20 mins until tender. drain and mash or puree to your baby's preferred consistency, adding the cooking water to get it as runny as you want! done!

dead easy and as we had a very similar dinner ourselves yesterday it just meant cooking ruben's in a separate little pot, as i cooked our own with salt in the water etc.
thats a great recipe Petchy, do you mind if i jump on this thread and add one of my own?

This for a Korma style curry
1/2 Chicken breast (optional)
5 mushrooms
hand ful Spinich
1 smallRed onion
Tin of Coconut milk
Tablespoon mild curry powder
Olive oil

i fry chicken until done and add all veggies at once, fry for about 10 mins on low heat, add your coconut milk and snd curry powder and simmer until vegies are soft.
thats it dead easy and quick this makes about 4 Jack portions
Blend or mash as requied.
I tend to cut everything into bite size peices before starting and don't be alarmed if it goes green, its the spinach :lol:

thanks girls ide eat it so would Kiara but daddy dont eat his veggies lol
Hi Ya Petchy

I am looking for different things for Heidi to try - this receipe you put up sounds really nice - what sort of beef did you buy?

L x

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