are Kate and Gerry McCann responsible parents?

budge said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
budge said:
i agree. i think they left the children every evening and someone who possibly works in the hitel alerted an organisation (?).

where the hell did you get that one budge, or is it just speculation?

its an idea.
i think someone in the hotel has something to do with this abduction. i think they realised the children were left at night whilst the family went for a meal and alerted an organisation that abducts kids. Maybe he/she gets a cut maybe they are child abusers ????
but thats my theory anyway.

The parents were quoted as saying they had done it nearly every night and that was there last night, so they weren't as worried about leaving them there, as they had done it all week, without anything happening.
glitzyglamgirl said:
well ok as everyone seems happy to speculate and throw theories around, heres mine!

They were on holiday, staying in a resort apartment with a restaurant on site, just opposite. They could see the apartment. There were a few parents there who they became friendly with and they were going to check out the babysitting service, (which was basically a creche club, not a babysitter in the apartment - I have checked) but one of the other parents told them not to bother, its was rubbish, thier kids had hated it so as they were so close to the apartments they didnt see the point.

They didnt want thier children going to a creche that they would not enjoy, so on the advise of the other parents, and because the false sense of security created by the proximity of the restaurant to the apartment, being on the same resort and therefore part of the same area, they were quite happy with the arrangement.

There are no reports that the children were heard crying, there are no reports that there had ever been any probelsm with this at the hotel and it was seemingly a common, perfectly safe option.

Some sicko went in through the window, which could have happened if the parents were in the apartment, asleep in the next room.

And not they are travelling to look for thier little girl, raising awareness in countries where no-one knows about maddie. It makes more of an impact if it is them doing it. I would rather do that than sit at home feeling helpless.

it was a planned abduction. i think thats obvious. no clues were found. get away car most probably there waiting to whisk her off, drug her, dye her hair all in time for the ferry to morroco.
they chose to abduct madeleine because her parents left her alone in the appartment room every evening whilst they dined and only checked on her every half hour or so even though she went missing between 9pm and 10 pm.

a hotel staff member was involved somewhere along the way. i just have that feeling.

must have been like taking candy off a baby taking that little girl :(
frangelle said:
budge said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
budge said:
i agree. i think they left the children every evening and someone who possibly works in the hitel alerted an organisation (?).

where the hell did you get that one budge, or is it just speculation?

its an idea.
i think someone in the hotel has something to do with this abduction. i think they realised the children were left at night whilst the family went for a meal and alerted an organisation that abducts kids. Maybe he/she gets a cut maybe they are child abusers ????
yes they said that in one of their press conference on their Europe tour
but thats my theory anyway.

The parents were quoted as saying they had done it nearly every night and that was there last night, so they weren't as worried about leaving them there, as they had done it all week, without anything happening.

they said that in a press conference. i heard it too. which is why they chose that child and knew when to strike.
budge said:
thats exactly what i think. the child was left alone. which was WRONG.

We all know you think it was wrong Budge, you've told us enough times!
My question remains though....HOW should they be punished and by whom??

I don't think any punishment would honestly make a difference at the moment, but I do think that the social services in this country should have some interest in them and the twins when they return and maybe some parenting support and development would be needed. Assuming that just because they are doctors they are aware of good parenting skills could be the problem and maybe they need to understand the risks to small children.
Sammystar said:
budge said:
thats exactly what i think. the child was left alone. which was WRONG.

We all know you think it was wrong Budge, you've told us enough times!
My question remains though....HOW should they be punished and by whom??


the children were neglected and one was abducted. thats punsishemnt enough i supose but ithink something should be done with the twins. they are being neglected now :(
ok who on here has left their kid asleep and gone to the corner shop/pub etc?

me - no and never will until Jam is at least 13
i hate leaving my 15 year old in bed and going to the shops and feel guilty so there is no way i would leave hannah
read all points with interest again :D

I just wanted to add this. I don't beleve they should be punished because:-
To me punishment is normally to make someone think about what they have done and have some sense of justice, and maybe correct or change the criminals point of view - oh and of a deterrent. I think with what has happened to Maddies parents already has achieved all of the above.
I think that they made a mistake and have paid a massive price for it. I just feel really sorry for them.
Freya said:
read all points with interest again :D

I just wanted to add this. I don't beleve they should be punished because:-
To me punishment is normally to make someone think about what they have done and have some sense of justice, and maybe correct or change the criminals point of view - oh and of a deterrent. I think with what has happened to Maddies parents already has achieved all of the above.

mmmm thats an interesting comment freya. But i wonder if you'd have the same thoughts if madeleines parents had killed her whilst driving under the influence of alcohol. or not put a seatbelt on her whilst driving her about.
im not having a go. i just think that what they did was as bad as doing the above. but people would want them behind bars then.
Hi Budge :wave:

I don't think you are having a go - it is always nice to hear someone elses views :D

The comments about the drink driving and no seatbelt thing. If I am being honest I would want to know all the facts first before I decided if I would want them to go to prison or not e.g why did they do it? etc.

My personal opinion on the facts presented in this case make me feel that they have suffered enough. I feel that they made a decision to leave their children after weighing up the risk. They felt she was safe because they could see appartment, it was a holiday village etc. I don't think this makes them 'bad' parents or even 'neglectful' parents. I often see young children running around unsupervised outside at 9.00 oclock and later at night, I feel that these children are just as 'neglected' as Maddie was. If we took all these children into care there would be uproar and not enough places for them.

I honestlly feel that Maddies parents were unlucky. This type of thing doesnt happen often, that is ONE of the reasons that it has attracted so much publicity.

These are just my opinions though and it is interesting to read other peoples thoughts.

If there was an option on voting with No I don't think they are irresponsible I would have voted this. I wouldn't leave my children alone just like I wouldn't allow them to be outside at 9.00 oclock or eat a Macdonalds more than once a month, or more than 1 item of sweets a day. I think it is just the difference in parenting styles. :D
Freya said:
I think it is just the difference in parenting styles. :D

There are varying degrees in what people find acceptable in other parents. I think that there are a few people reading these posts but not being entirely truthfull in what they will or do let their kids do.

I cannot honesly say that I have my eye on my kids every minute of the day. I left them in the car in my drive while I ran up the stairs to get my phone the other day. Someone could have had them both out their seats despite the fact i was less than a minute. But these things never happen.
I also have done that Laura. I think most people have. That is kind of what I mean about them being unlucky.

I have said before on here somewhere that i read an interesting comment in one of the newspapers by a psychologist after Madelaine went missing. She basically said that some people will look at Madelaines parents and say 'well i would never have done that' and therefore think 'so it will never happen to me' - she went on to say that this gives them a peace of mind because to think that it might happen to you is too unbearable.

I am not getting at anyone here nor do I think that some of the comments have been made based on the theory above but I do think we sometimes like to make ourselves feel better by thinking well it will never happen to me beause I will never leave my children alone.
i havw not read any of the replys!!!

but i think that the parents are to blame - but they should not be punished any more then they allready have been.

a friend of a froend is a dr and she said that where they were staying is very popular with drs - she has been there a few times

she said most of the mums leave the children and i suppose they just followed!

i feel really bad for the mum and dad its not fair! they made a mistake but the punishment they are getting is to much :(

i have been a bit laid back some times with the kids and this has really made me realise!!!!
lauramumof2 said:
Freya said:
I think it is just the difference in parenting styles. :D

There are varying degrees in what people find acceptable in other parents. I think that there are a few people reading these posts but not being entirely truthfull in what they will or do let their kids do.

I cannot honesly say that I have my eye on my kids every minute of the day. I left them in the car in my drive while I ran up the stairs to get my phone the other day. Someone could have had them both out their seats despite the fact i was less than a minute. But these things never happen.

i have also ran into the house or local off lisence and left the kids locked in the car . but only for a few moments maybe less and i can see them the whole time
its a bit different than leaving them in a hotel room for the whole evening whilst you ''dine out''.

If there is one thing in life that you should be able to rely on it's the love and protection from your parents. We have never gone away as a family and left the kids alone in a strange place and i don't know how anybody could. If we want a drink the kids are wrapped up and asleep in the push chair at our sides. little Madelein is the one paying the price for her parents negligence and selfishness.....
Don't worry Dionne. I think most people at some times are laid back with the kids :D I know I have been :D
well what can really be said that hasnt been said ...

people assume because they are doctors that these people should have some ultimate parenting capability ... lets talk about teenage mums ... would ANYONE be as sympathetic if a single teenage mum left her baby in her flat and went off for a drink ... nah course not!

I dont care if the parents had a false sense of security why not give the kids a can of petrol and some friggin matches for godsake.

Shame that meal cost them more than they bargained on i hope it sat well in their stomachs!!!
Alfiesmummy said:
well what can really be said that hasnt been said ...

people assume because they are doctors that these people should have some ultimate parenting capability ... lets talk about teenage mums ... would ANYONE be as sympathetic if a single teenage mum left her baby in her flat and went off for a drink ... nah course not!

I dont care if the parents had a false sense of security why not give them a can of petrol and some friggin matches for godsake.

Shame that meal cost them more than they bargained on i hope it sat well in their stomachs!!!

:( touche
budge said:
Alfiesmummy said:
well what can really be said that hasnt been said ...

people assume because they are doctors that these people should have some ultimate parenting capability ... lets talk about teenage mums ... would ANYONE be as sympathetic if a single teenage mum left her baby in her flat and went off for a drink ... nah course not!

I dont care if the parents had a false sense of security why not give them a can of petrol and some friggin matches for godsake.

Shame that meal cost them more than they bargained on i hope it sat well in their stomachs!!!

:( touche

im sorry but yeah i get upset about this, i have a little boy sleeping upstairs and i do get emotional over something like this, i just feel that since this has happened we are hearing oh the poor parents how they must be feleing and people seem to forget there is a little girl out there helpless and if (pray to heaven) she is still alive the torment and terror she is going through ... people say oh the parents made a mistake they are being punished but are they really? because the only person i think is being punished is the little girl who was took away from her family her parents she loved and put her faith and trust in, the people she depended on to keep her safe! fabulous jobs doctors!

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