april mums?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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are there any april mums yet? if so when are you due and how are you feeling? :D
im due april 18th not really got any symptoms yet only sore bbs :D xxx
oh congratulations Rach!!! just noticed your expecting! You must be over the moon! :cheer:
My dates put me in March but am sure I ov'd late so will probably be due in April. Should find out in a few weeks though (don't think they will be able to date me tomorrow :? ).
Hi rach,
I'm due April 15th, so just a couple of days in front of you. I feel exactly the same - just sore boobs and tired (but then I think I always feel tired :shock: .
Hope all goes well with the Dr's appt. I think I should make one shortly. I'm trying hard not to worry about this pregnancy, but after having 2 m/c in the past year, it's not easy. I know you have also had a really hard time. :hug:
Let's try and be positive and we'll keep in touch xxxxx
thanks budge hun :D we are scared but over the moon xxx

kina you never know hun they should be able to give you an approximate date although i think they wait till your 12 week scan to give you an official date xxx

hi hannan congrats hun i know its hard to stay positive but im sure we will both be ok this time round :pray: ooh its nice to be due really close to someone else :D xxx

I am due April 12th - first ever time and I really can't stop thinking it might go horribly wrong - just nervous I guess - i think this forum is amazing as I have been experiencing peroid pains and was worried but having read these threads it sounds as if they are normal, maybe all us April people can compare symptoms and aches and pains x
Kina said:
My dates put me in March but am sure I ov'd late so will probably be due in April. Should find out in a few weeks though (don't think they will be able to date me tomorrow :? ).

They dated me at my 7weeks, 8 weeks, 9 weeks and 11 weeks scan hun, so they should do :)
Sami said:
Kina said:
My dates put me in March but am sure I ov'd late so will probably be due in April. Should find out in a few weeks though (don't think they will be able to date me tomorrow :? ).

They dated me at my 7weeks, 8 weeks, 9 weeks and 11 weeks scan hun, so they should do :)

That will be good then :cheer: I thought that they wouldn't be able to as when I was looking into private scans all the dating ones seemed to start at 9 weeks....I suppose they'll be able to tell me how big the sac is etc.
Yeah, at my 7 and 8 week ones, there was abotu a day between the dates, but it will give you a very close guess :) the best one to tell is the 20 week scan I think xx
rach said:
thanks budge hun :D we are scared but over the moon xxx

well thats understandabl. But i have a good feeling everything is going to be ok! :hug: :hug:
i really hope so budge finding it very hard at the moment to stay positive will probably feel better when i start my injections as i will be physically doing something then to prevent same thing happening again xxxxxxx
thats right, until then take it easy and stay calm. :hug:
Hey Im due April 2nd..feeling sick!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHHH
Hi rach
Not been on here properly for a while and have just noticed your BFP on the chart stalkers thread.

Congrate I am so happy for you I really hope all goes well, and you get all the support you need from the docs,

good luck and bigg hugs.

yay lots of april mums im not gonna be alone :D
everything crossed for you wobbles hun :pray: xxx
Hi - I'm due April 2nd I think. I've got my first docs appointment this wednesday. Am still shell-shocked this is hapenning but can't stop smiling. My cousin has already asked me where my 'glow' is from and am I pregnant?! I did a test the next day and she's right! has anyone else got this 'glow'?
nope i look like shit have spent the day today on sofa feeling sick as a dog :( sounds like pg symptoms are kicking in early this time :puke:

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