Hello ladies, very happy to be joining you!
My date is April 12th, same day as missac however tis will be confirmed by my scan on the 25th Sept.
A little scared as my midwife has confirmed that with my previous history and maternal family history that it is 5 times more likely that my scan will show 2 rather than 1.
Don't get me wrong I will love them soooo much, but it would be nice tis time to see what it's like to have 1 baby and ake it in turns getting up at night
At the oment I feel crap!
I've known now for 3 weeks and have constant problems ever since, m teeth...they went with pregnancy one, had an infecton and spent a lot of time at the dentist and with a swollen face!
I've had a cold for 2 weeks, covered in cold sores, spots...i never have spots
Started off with constipation but now gone the other way and yesterday the dreaded sickness set in.
Had to stop my bd half way to run to the loo! OH was soooo impressed
A sign of what's to come
Apart from mega peeing ok....lol!
I'm falling apart aren't I!
When I was pg with twins I actualy felt ok!
Hope you all feel ok and look forward to geting updated with you!
Oh yeah, are any of you finding your clothes tight yet?