'April Baby Race...On Your Marks...*Final Update Page 8*

Please can you add me..
Due on the 15th April.

I feel all nostalgic.....we had similar thing last year......I was due on 4th April and Libby was born on 8th.....can someone please have their baby on Libby's birthday - if you want to be totally accurate, birth time should be 6.37am.....thanks!! :D :moon:

In fact, gymbabeliz, if you're still in Derby can you have your baby at 6.37am on 8th April at Derby City General......that would be pretty much 100% accurate - you won't get the same birth room though as the hospital has changed round since then :? :wink:
Urchin said:
I'm still confused... do we use our due dates or the date we think we'll go into labour?

If a person has a baby on April 1st does that mean they come first?

I just don't get it? :think:

same as with the March race

we all have our due dates which gives us the supposed finishing order of the 'race'

i.e person due on 1st april should win, person due on 2nd should come 2nd

but because they dont come when theyre due, the order of people reaching the finishing line is anyones guess! The person in predicted 10th place might come 1st after all

obviously, 'winning' isnt necessarily a good or bad thing but its just a bit of fun
kazlin said:
gymbabeliz said:
yes but you have to pick a twin-adjusted date , no cheating!! :wink:

same goes for charliebeth...

If you both pick a date when you think you might go into labour, I'll add you both under your predicted dates :wink:

Ahaa! I think April 6th... a week over due (and our 9 months wedding anniversary)

TA! :hug:
ohhh don't wish for your wedding aniversary! when will hubby ever whisk you away for a romantic weekend if that happens?! You'll always be thinking of the little 'uns birthday!
Boo hiss! I have no chance of winning! I'm at the BOTTOM of the list! :rotfl:
debecca said:
Boo hiss! I have no chance of winning! I'm at the BOTTOM of the list! :rotfl:

you never know, there might be a few lazy babies ahead of you that can't be bothered to come out :D
well i think we can safely say that rachel (rachelandjarvis) wins the race in style! her due date, I think was 9 April!!
Thanks :D

All the way along I have felt like she is coming in March. DH is convinced I'll be late. So who knows! But as he is ALWAYS right... :rotfl:
Im not due till 23rd so i have no chance maybe i could win the May race.
To begin with I thought that I might pop about 3 weeks early (around now) but I now feel that little Dan is a bit too comfortable in there. I'm surprised that he's not a bit fed up with all the coughing and retching I do :think: :lol:
Oooo how exciting!!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

who will be first in the April race?!?!?!?!

I have 14 days until my EDD now :pray: :pray:
I keep saying I hope I go early.

Then scared myself silly yesterday having raspberry leaf tea in case I went into labour haha :wall: Maybe i'm not quite as ready as I thought!

I have 23 days left :cheer:
Hopefully I'll be having a sweep middle of next week, but I am definately booked into hospital to be induced 1st April :D
It looks like you a re gonna win Kazlin if you end up getting induced!

I'd be quite chuffed if I was a day late TBH because then my baby will have the same birthday as what would have been my Nanna's birthday (and also the day I was due to be born!) or if I was 2 days early he will share his daddies birthday!
Actually it's very strange, my due date is the 3rd and that was when my beloved grandad passed over when I was 7. I was very close to him and it would be a lovely tribute if Daniel held out until then...maybe I could cross my legs :think: :lol:
Im due in May but Im having my baby in April, I havent picked a date yet but just thought Id let you know :lol:

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