**** April 2019 mummies ****

Has anyone gone up a bra cup size as well :shock: bye bye b cups, hello c cups :lol: they have literally ballooned!

Mine have gone enormous but they were big to begin with!

Urgh been so ill again today, throwing up again and just feeling so crap, haven’t taken my vitamins for the last 2 days as I just couldn’t stomach them, so now I feel bad :-(

Still got 8 days to go until my scan, just can’t wait I’m excited but getting slightly terrified too now, it’s all starting to feel a bit real eek! Xx

I was thinking about my friend earlier, who knows I'm pregnant, and how if her boobs get any bigger for her, she will hate it, as she struggles atm as it is, but I think I will let her find out the hard way and not drop the bomb now :lol:

Just goes to show, it can be total rubbish to some people that the sickness subsides after 9-10 weeks, its still very apparent for you :-( I wouldn't say my nausea has eased either, still the same.

I assume eating anything is a no go?

All I can seem to eat now is yoghurts and bread products and I’m now managing a bit of cereal,, I cannot wait to be able to eat properly again! I kept having dreams last night that I was in various different eating establishments stuffing my face, including some kind of all inclusive Mexican resort where I was eating nachos and tacos and all kinds 🤣🤣

To be fair I’ve had a few better days lately and it doesn’t seem as intense anymore, I think the worst of it is surely over now

Ha ha yes don’t drop the big boobs bomb on your friend just yet, don’t tell her how bad the sickness can be either, if women who have never had babies before really knew how bad it can be the world would run out of people! I hate to sound like I’m complaining though as I know how lucky I am to be pregnant again with things seemingly going well this time

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s scan updates on weds :) xx
At least you are managing to eat something. We will never take good wholesome healthy food for granted ever again :lol:

I dont think i can hide the fact my boobs have almost doubled in size, but i wont mention any of these lovely side effects we get with early pregnancy :lol: The oh and me are meeting her and her oh in London on Saturday, annoyingly its a an evening event - come 9pm i need my bed :shock: i will just have to power through.

Us girls appreciate we are pregnant but we all need a bit of a moan and rant sometimes, we would be female if we didnt :lol:
At least you are managing to eat something. We will never take good wholesome healthy food for granted ever again :lol:

I dont think i can hide the fact my boobs have almost doubled in size, but i wont mention any of these lovely side effects we get with early pregnancy :lol: The oh and me are meeting her and her oh in London on Saturday, annoyingly its a an evening event - come 9pm i need my bed :shock: i will just have to power through.

Us girls appreciate we are pregnant but we all need a bit of a moan and rant sometimes, we would be female if we didnt :lol:

Haha I was just saying to my friend who is currently pregnant ( now 2 days over due date!) That I'm already sick of people saying 'it will be worth it in the end'. We know this... We aren't stupid... But we still want to moan about it!!! Just leave us to it!!!
At least you are managing to eat something. We will never take good wholesome healthy food for granted ever again :lol:

I dont think i can hide the fact my boobs have almost doubled in size, but i wont mention any of these lovely side effects we get with early pregnancy :lol: The oh and me are meeting her and her oh in London on Saturday, annoyingly its a an evening event - come 9pm i need my bed :shock: i will just have to power through.

Us girls appreciate we are pregnant but we all need a bit of a moan and rant sometimes, we would be female if we didnt :lol:

Haha I was just saying to my friend who is currently pregnant ( now 2 days over due date!) That I'm already sick of people saying 'it will be worth it in the end'. We know this... We aren't stupid... But we still want to moan about it!!! Just leave us to it!!!

Exactly that :lol: I intend to moan from start to end and probably will continue until my child has left home :lol:
At least you are managing to eat something. We will never take good wholesome healthy food for granted ever again :lol:

I dont think i can hide the fact my boobs have almost doubled in size, but i wont mention any of these lovely side effects we get with early pregnancy :lol: The oh and me are meeting her and her oh in London on Saturday, annoyingly its a an evening event - come 9pm i need my bed :shock: i will just have to power through.

Us girls appreciate we are pregnant but we all need a bit of a moan and rant sometimes, we would be female if we didnt :lol:

Haha I was just saying to my friend who is currently pregnant ( now 2 days over due date!) That I'm already sick of people saying 'it will be worth it in the end'. We know this... We aren't stupid... But we still want to moan about it!!! Just leave us to it!!!

Oh we definitely need a moan even though this is everything we have all prayed for it’s still bloody hard at times!! Xx
Hi all, I had my scan yesterday and all is good!! Measured me at 12+2 rather than 12, due date is now 06.04. Baby was very wriggly and when the sonogropher made me laugh he/she turned so she couldn’t get the measurements for ages 😂😂
Hi all, I had my scan yesterday and all is good!! Measured me at 12+2 rather than 12, due date is now 06.04. Baby was very wriggly and when the sonogropher made me laugh he/she turned so she couldn’t get the measurements for ages 😂😂

Aww lovely news, glad it went well x
God i feel sh*t today :wall2: woke up at 4am, which i never do and was rolling around trying to get back off to sleep, which is probably why i feel so exhausted now! Nausea is quite strong today as well - wish i just stayed in bed!

Moan over :lol:
God i feel sh*t today :wall2: woke up at 4am, which i never do and was rolling around trying to get back off to sleep, which is probably why i feel so exhausted now! Nausea is quite strong today as well - wish i just stayed in bed!

Moan over :lol:

Urgh I feel dreadful today too IVW, was up at midnight throwing up, then again at 5am, got a banging headache and horrible nausea and there’s literally nothing I want to eat :wall2: and I’ve gotta drag myself out for a meal with friends later, I just want to get back into bed too :-(

We are nearly at tri 2 now surely we will start glowing and and looking and feeling amazing soon :lol: xx
God i feel sh*t today :wall2: woke up at 4am, which i never do and was rolling around trying to get back off to sleep, which is probably why i feel so exhausted now! Nausea is quite strong today as well - wish i just stayed in bed!

Moan over :lol:

Urgh I feel dreadful today too IVW, was up at midnight throwing up, then again at 5am, got a banging headache and horrible nausea and there’s literally nothing I want to eat :wall2: and I’ve gotta drag myself out for a meal with friends later, I just want to get back into bed too :-(

We are nearly at tri 2 now surely we will start glowing and and looking and feeling amazing soon :lol: xx

Proper feeling sorry for ourselves today!

Roll on Tri 2 - heres hoping we arent so moaney :lol: of course we will still have something to moan about though :-)
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Oh girls sorry your feeling so awful. But if it makes you feel better I don't have any and I feel so awful with worry! Going out of my mind a little bit. Had some cramps past couple of days too. Still been tired! But I will be honest I don't feel pregnant! Got my scan in the morning at 10.30 and worried sick xxx
Oh girls sorry your feeling so awful. But if it makes you feel better I don't have any and I feel so awful with worry! Going out of my mind a little bit. Had some cramps past couple of days too. Still been tired! But I will be honest I don't feel pregnant! Got my scan in the morning at 10.30 and worried sick xxx

Aww MM honestly try not to worry (I know it’s hard) but the odds are in your favour right now, you’ve measured perfectly every scan with a great heartbeat and the placenta has probably kicked in for you now, I’ve read that’s when you start feeling normal again and it happens anywhere between 10 and 13 weeks, I’ve had loads of cramps too, I get them various times a day and they are really quite obvious, I even felt like I had proper period pain the other day! I’ve just come to see them as growing pains now lol, well I hope they are anyway, this is so hard on us girls isn’t it, it’s such a long time between our bfp and 12 week scan when you can finally relax, I wish I was one of these people who don’t think anything bad will ever happen to them xxx
Hi ladies, hope you're all well!

Noticed that some of you due dates have changed. Do you want me to update them? Or are you happy for whoever makes the second trimester thread to change them? Im sad that im no longer part of the april mummies! How are you all doing xx
Hi ladies, hope you're all well!

Noticed that some of you due dates have changed. Do you want me to update them? Or are you happy for whoever makes the second trimester thread to change them? Im sad that im no longer part of the april mummies! How are you all doing xx

Aw Laura we miss you here lol, I’m still horribly sick, 11+1, please tell me it gets better very soon? How are you feeling with the sickness now? Xx
Hi ladies, hope you're all well!

Noticed that some of you due dates have changed. Do you want me to update them? Or are you happy for whoever makes the second trimester thread to change them? Im sad that im no longer part of the april mummies! How are you all doing xx

It must feel like leaving a little family :-(
I can imagine alot of dates might change over the next few weeks, so i am happy to just start the second trimester with a fresh list :-)

hope you're well?x
I'm happy with just changing over with the new thread.

I phoned the midwife about not having a scan appointment. It's because I've not had my booking appointment yet. I hope there's not a long wait after as I will be 11+6 on the day of that appointment!
I can’t believe you’re having your booking in appt so late Ash! I hope you get your appointment soon!
We miss you Laura, hope you’re well! Xx
I should be entering the 2nd trimester tomorrow (if my dates are right when I have my scan tomorrow) so I could make a new thread if that’s okay with you ladies? I’m looking forward to having a definite due date!! Countdown begins! Haha xxx
Oh girls sorry your feeling so awful. But if it makes you feel better I don't have any and I feel so awful with worry! Going out of my mind a little bit. Had some cramps past couple of days too. Still been tired! But I will be honest I don't feel pregnant! Got my scan in the morning at 10.30 and worried sick xxx

Aww MM honestly try not to worry (I know it’s hard) but the odds are in your favour right now, you’ve measured perfectly every scan with a great heartbeat and the placenta has probably kicked in for you now, I’ve read that’s when you start feeling normal again and it happens anywhere between 10 and 13 weeks, I’ve had loads of cramps too, I get them various times a day and they are really quite obvious, I even felt like I had proper period pain the other day! I’ve just come to see them as growing pains now lol, well I hope they are anyway, this is so hard on us girls isn’t it, it’s such a long time between our bfp and 12 week scan when you can finally relax, I wish I was one of these people who don’t think anything bad will ever happen to them xxx

Thanks night owl, I hope your right. I just don't feel the same. Although i feel exhausted this afternoon. I am a right anxious Annie over this pregnancy. I think I wouldn't be so worried if I didn't have the cramps on top of it. Tomorrow morning can't come quick enough so glad I booked this private scan now. It's still 2 weeks till my 12 week scan not sure I could cope with the wait! Hoping for reasurrance and I think I can relax then as I am coming up to 12 weeks xxx
Argh ladies I have been up all night long with excitement, nerves and anticipation of today’s scan!!! It’s currently 5.30am and I’ve got another 3 hours til the scan... so glad it’s in the early morning!! Time is literally passing so slowly!
Wishing all the other mamas luck with their scans today xxx
Aahhh good luck today jomo, IVW and MM, and anybody else with scans today, so excited for you all!

5 days until mine now eeek getting so nervous 😬 xx

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