**** April 2019 mummies ****

MM it could be worth just asking the scan department if there’s anyway you can move your scan date to the week before as you are still 11+ weeks at that point, they surely must have to deal with people needing to change scan dates for a variety of reasons, I personally think you will be safe to announce at that point based on the scans you’ve already had, or if you don’t mind the extra pennies could fit another one in

Only my 2 best friends know about mine and only cos I was convinced I was going to be having a MC and would have to cancel plans we had! None of my or OH family know, my other close friends don’t know, my mum doesn’t know, but I am glad as I can surprise them all with a lovely picture of the baby from the 12 week scan, they have no idea so they are going to be shocked, can’t wait to tell all of my colleagues too why I’ve been miserable and flaky lately!

I’m not on social media so not going to do an announcement on there so just thinking of nice ways to tell my mum xx
Has anyone got itchy legs :lol: genuinely serious question though.

It started a few days ago and is worse when i get home.

Thankfully good old google has said this is quite normal, phew. Ive got an itchy lower abdomen, which i didn't even need to question, as its obviously just my belly stretching to accommodate our growing baby, but the leg bit is very odd.
Has anyone got itchy legs :lol: genuinely serious question though.

It started a few days ago and is worse when i get home.

Thankfully good old google has said this is quite normal, phew. Ive got an itchy lower abdomen, which i didn't even need to question, as its obviously just my belly stretching to accommodate our growing baby, but the leg bit is very odd.

I used to get itchy legs all the time before I got pregnant, haven’t had it for a while now though x
Have had a few little sharp shooting pains around my right ovary today - I know I ovulated from the right as at my scan she could see the corpus luteum cyst on the right, soooo this may be very wishing thinking but after 2 days of bad sickness and a violent vomming session last night I’m hoping the pain is the corpus luteum cyst collapsing ready for the placenta to take over 😂🤣 it’s probably not though :wall2:
Has anyone got itchy legs :lol: genuinely serious question though.

It started a few days ago and is worse when i get home.

Thankfully good old google has said this is quite normal, phew. Ive got an itchy lower abdomen, which i didn't even need to question, as its obviously just my belly stretching to accommodate our growing baby, but the leg bit is very odd.

I used to get itchy legs all the time before I got pregnant, haven’t had it for a while now though x

My sister has just confirmed she had itchy legs as well, so i am not going mad :lol:
Have had a few little sharp shooting pains around my right ovary today - I know I ovulated from the right as at my scan she could see the corpus luteum cyst on the right, soooo this may be very wishing thinking but after 2 days of bad sickness and a violent vomming session last night I’m hoping the pain is the corpus luteum cyst collapsing ready for the placenta to take over 😂🤣 it’s probably not though :wall2:

Isn't it amazing that they can tell which ovary the egg came from, mine was the right as well.

We have basically mirrored each-others pregnancy's :lol:
Have had a few little sharp shooting pains around my right ovary today - I know I ovulated from the right as at my scan she could see the corpus luteum cyst on the right, soooo this may be very wishing thinking but after 2 days of bad sickness and a violent vomming session last night I’m hoping the pain is the corpus luteum cyst collapsing ready for the placenta to take over 😂🤣 it’s probably not though :wall2:

Isn't it amazing that they can tell which ovary the egg came from, mine was the right as well.

We have basically mirrored each-others pregnancy's :lol:

OMG I know, we must have ovulated and everything at the same time how crazy, both first babies so it will be interesting to see which one of us goes first and how long we spend in labour eeek x
Have had a few little sharp shooting pains around my right ovary today - I know I ovulated from the right as at my scan she could see the corpus luteum cyst on the right, soooo this may be very wishing thinking but after 2 days of bad sickness and a violent vomming session last night I’m hoping the pain is the corpus luteum cyst collapsing ready for the placenta to take over 😂🤣 it’s probably not though :wall2:

Isn't it amazing that they can tell which ovary the egg came from, mine was the right as well.

We have basically mirrored each-others pregnancy's :lol:

OMG I know, we must have ovulated and everything at the same time how crazy, both first babies so it will be interesting to see which one of us goes first and how long we spend in labour eeek x

The winner is the one with the shortest labour :lol: no pressure :oooo:

My time to beat is my poor sisters 20 hours of hell, i think i can at least beat that :x
I was in active labour for 1hr 5 mins with my first, they say they get shorter! :shock: I am midwife led but they are booking me in with a consultant at about 36 weeks to discuss options, every midwife or doctor I spoke to after having my daughter said 'home birth next time cos you won't make it! :rofl:
Hello! I was previously in the march thread but had my scan today and I’m actually an April mummy! Measuring 11+2 and baby is due April 2nd!
I was in active labour for 1hr 5 mins with my first, they say they get shorter! :shock: I am midwife led but they are booking me in with a consultant at about 36 weeks to discuss options, every midwife or doctor I spoke to after having my daughter said 'home birth next time cos you won't make it! :rofl:

Hello! I was previously in the march thread but had my scan today and I’m actually an April mummy! Measuring 11+2 and baby is due April 2nd!

Welcome to the April mummys thread <3
Ive just sadly counted how many April mummys there will be, 27 :dance:

Thats mega <3
Wow there’s definitely a bit of a baby boom going on in April!

Welcome milbaby x
When i had my booking in appointment my midwife said that march and april next year are her busiest months shes had in ages. Must be something in the water lol

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